Chapter 2 - Interrogation -

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~ Y/N's POV ~

I woke up on a chair with my arms and legs strapped down so I couldn't move.

As I opened my eyes I could see a man sitting in the corner.

"Who are you?" I asked in my British accent

"Who are you?" the man asked back

"I asked first," I said making him laugh, that was strange.

"I'm the guy you shot a fireball at."

"What do you mean? I shot a fireball at iron man, you aren't made of iron!"

"The iron is just a suit. I am on the inside telling the suit what to do. My name is Tony, Tony Stark"

"Oooh, so just a small man who hides behind a suit? A man who is nothing without it! I see you are one of those people." I laugh because he looks uncomfortable.

"It's your turn to answer my question now, who are you?" Tony said, changing the subject.

"Burning Light"


"I said my name is Burning light, got a problem with that stank?"

"It's Stark"

"Listen this has been fun and all but I'm outta here, hope your friends on the other side of that mirror enjoyed watching us"

"How did you know about that?" He asked

"This isn't my first rodeo Stank" I winked

I used my fire powers to burn the straps that were keeping me down and just walked out the building. They should really upgrade their security.

Hi all so the size of my chapters may vary, and I know that right now they are small, but I feel like it's right to end them where I do, but the will get longer at some point!

Anyway thank you for reading, and please vote and comment because it helps loads!

~ B ~

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