"Im Tired Aunt Lydia.."

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An adorable bonding moment between Lydia and Tracy which would have been cute to add something like this so we could get to know Tracy's character more and see Lydia get closer with her getting Tracy to see her like her other mom.

Lydia Berman sat in the chair in her bedroom sighing tired after a long day of her super hero training. It was 10pm and She was settling down with one of her comics while air playing her fav metal music on the tv like Slayer and AC/DC. As She was getting ready to wind down and make her way to bed putting down her book on a table she thought she heard someone knocking at her door. Lydia took the remote and turned the music down and listened again as another knock came again.

"Ugh Emily don't tell me I have to take 'nightly treatments now too" Lydia said aloud annoyed making her way to the door thinking it was her

"No no I promise and it's not Emily it's Tracy.." the voice which Instead was Emily's daughter on the other side of the door said

"Oh hold on.." Lydia replied as she shut off the tv and then went back to let her in. She opened the door to see the 15 year old girl red faced and teary eyes.

"Hey..hey what's the matter?" She asked seeing Tracy's lips quiver and just shaking in the doorway. Tracy tried to form all the words
She wanted to say but all she could do was burst into tears.

"Oh..no no..okay okay Cmon cmere get in.." Lydia took her hand bringing her in her room and shutting the door behind them and leading her over so they could sit on the bed and talk. Lydia moved to sit in the middle of her bed near her pillow as she patted beside her getting Tracy to sit by her as Tracy sniffled leaning her head against Lydia's shoulder.

"Alright talk to me..talk to auntie Lydi.." Lydia cooed to her as she wrapped her arm around her and rubbing her back leaning her head against hers.

"My mom and I had a fight" Tracy sobbed into Lydias shoulder

"what happened?" Lydia asked listening as she just cuddled Tracy close to her knowing clearly it was what she needed.

"I was getting so tired and We ended up working very late and my mom she gets so wrapped up when we're working on other potential power formulas we could do and I just wanted to wait and go to bed but she wasn't letting me leave until we finished one thing causing us to explode.. this is all that happens much of the time I do so much work I don't always get time to do what most people my age do..because I graduated so early..I'm tired aunt Lydia...I'm just so tired.." Lydia just gently shushed her and rocked her back and forth understanding how stubborn and how much Emily would over work herself and could see how Tracy felt the pressure of high expectations from her mom.

"Oh honey I so get it I really do..i been there I known your mom since middle school and she can be very headstrong and it's what caused us to drift apart for a while because of how it took a toll on me trying to get her to not always be working and be so anxious about her grades and take a break once in a while so we could spend time together.." Lydia said

"Really?" Tracy asked looking up at her

"Oh ya but thing is I learned to realize that and remember why she does things is because she loves us and wants to protect us from those miscreants something she was unable to do for her parents and is working hard to give you the life she never had so like I always say go easy on her.." Lydia replied

"I know I agree she is great mom and does the best she can and I do try but what she doesn't understand is that no matter how she tried it wasn't perfect for me everyone thinks it's so cool how Emily Stanton is my kind and what a privilege it must be ..but honestly it is and at the same time it's not..I don't even really have any friends because of how much mom got me absorbed in what my grandparents started and I am working all the time.Dont get me wrong I wanna help with the family business and it's a passion out of choice but I also want time to do other things and I can't go out without being recognized as 'Emily's daughter' People always tell me how lucky I am to be the daughter of Emily but really I sometimes hate it I can't go out and do anything as simple as grabbing a coffee without people asking me about 'Stanton' work and who my father is..which I hate hearing cuz it reminds me of how much I wish I had another parent and I've severely depressed enough already..being I don't remember the last my mom or anyone ever asked 'how are YOU doing?' And check up on me. Hell I think last year was like the last time I think she probably hugged me I wish she'd stop acting like a teacher or boss and more like my mom most of the time..Aunt Lydia..I feel so alone..I don't have anyone.." Tracy now was just unloading and crying but felt some sort of release being she never had the chance to ever express how she felt to anyone without being made to feel guilty.

Lydia now was crying as well as Tracy described how isolated from the outside world she was,the abandonment issues her father brought upon her,the mix of teenage hormones and pressure to feel worth and validity from her mom and grandparents.

"Oh sweetheart oh my god I had no idea you felt like that and were dealing with all of this? No 15 yeah old girl should ever have to go through what you're going through You ever tried telling your mom?" Lydia asked curious holding her hand with her free arm

"All the time but it's shut down and the subject is changed so I have nobody else to talk to..I wish my dad didn't leave" Tracy blubbered her face buried in Lydia's neck squeezing her hand as Lydia stroked her hair behind her ear

"Hey hey..Tracy listen to me okay? You're not alone..I'm here with you now..I'm the one holding you while you cry not him..look at me baby..fuck your father he's a dead beat who doesn't deserve you or your mom..he's sure missing out on such a beautiful smart young lady.." Lydia said

"That means a lot for you to say I never been told that really Much..you're the only person who really ever liked me for me..I'm really grateful you're here right now.." Tracy said

"Aww you're welcome beauty..even though we met a few weeks ago just know that I am here for you and always will be if you need someone to lean on..I'll even give my cell number so worse casenario if I'm not here you can call or text me any time I don't care what time it is. If needed I will come to you if what you need is a big long hug no matter what your mom and is relationship is like I will always make time for my Tracy! Okay?" Lydia said letting go of Tracys hand to drying Tracys tears off her face and leaned her forehead against hers

"Okay.." Tracy said now crying in relief feeling like a missing puzzle piece was placed in her heart.

"Cmere baby! Gimme a hug!" Lydia said turning and opening her arms out as Tracy wrapped her arms around her waist and laid her head back on Lydia's shoulder as Lydias arms enveloped around her shoulders and back.

"I love you kiddo!" She said kissing Tracy's forehead to comfort her while patting her back.

"I love you too! I wish you were my actual mom like my other mom.." Tracy murmured her face buried against Lydia's shoulder and hair

"Who says I'm not you know family isn't always blood or has to be legally documented..if I say you're my kid you can still be my kid I'm sure your mom will be totally cool with sharing you with me being I really physically can't have kids not after I got these super power injections.." Lydia said as Tracy chuckled a little

"Yeah that's true" she said

"Awww my baby.." Lydia cooed squeezing Tracy in her arms even more and repeatedly kissing her cheek in maternal manner as Tracy giggled

"Auntie Lydia you're kinda squishing me a bit hard..I can't even move my neck or arms" Tracy wheezed slightly

"Oh god I'm so sorry Trace! I keep forgetting i have powers I'm developing even more super strength and i over estimate it" Lydia said breaking the embrace immediately

"Oh no no aunt Lydia it's okay I didn't say stop..I honestly needed this tonight! You give the best hugs" Tracy said pulling her back in as Lydia didn't argue and held her again smiling.

"Ya so I'm told..hey you wanna crash here tonight? You look like you're gonna like pass out any minute now as adorable as you look while exhausted it's also concerning honey..you really need some sleep we both do" Lydia said nothing how dark the circles under Tracy's eyes

"Yeah I am super tired" Tracy said yawning

"Alright Cmon let's get under the covers" Lydia said as she lifted the blankets over them both as they both lay down together.

"This okay?" Tracy asked as she cuddled into lydias side and lying her head on her chest needing more of that affection that she sometimes lacked when she needed it.

"Of course it is now close your eyes and get some rest we have some more training in the morning" Lydia said her arms around her rubbing her shoulder. Literally not even seconds after Tracy put her head down she was out cold. Lydia chuckled as she kissed her forehead once more and then fell asleep herself

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