I Did It Mom&Dad!

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Emily couldn't believe it. Sitting in the driver seat of lambo and both hands gripping the wheel it actually was beginning to sink in that her and Lydia saved Chicago and were beginning to start the change and bring protection to a place where Miscreants lingered.

"This is crazy Lydi..did you know what we just did..?" She said

"Yeah I know I can't believe this actually happened either hey Um you taking a detour?" Lydia asked as she saw Emily take a different turn opposite to where Stanton headcounters was

"Uh huh I uh wanna pay a quick visit to some special people before we go home I want you to meet them" Emily said

Lydia was confused but she went along and trusted Emily knew where she was going. They went a little ways almost outside of Chicago where she saw that Emily parked by a tree where a gravestone sat. Lydia then began to understand what this was all about.

"Is this where your mom and dad are?" Lydia asked as Emily smiled and nodded

"Cmon Lydia.." she said as they made their way out of the car.

Lydia followed behind Emily getting closer so she could read the headstones.

"Hey mom..dad..guess what? I did it!.." Emily said as she laughed and began to cry in joy wishing they were alive to witness it but knew they did know from above. Lydia smiled tearing up as well extending out to hold best friends hand as she cried.

"I saved the city tonight and so did your granddaughter you saw it I'm sure but I just wanted to come and stop by and share cause I know you'd be so proud.." Emily said looking from the grave stone to the sky and then smiled back at Lydia and squeezed her hand in hers.

"Oh and here is my best friend Lydia she helped as well she's also helped me and Tracy!" She added as Lydia laughed through her tears

"It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Stanton kind of a weird and unfortunate way to being I mean you're both practically dirt now but either way yeah you have a wonderful daughter and granddaughter that I've had the pleasure of getting to know and love so much-" Lydia paused amid her sentence to swallow back a sob

"Aw Lydi I love you too and does Tracy" Emily said as she wrapped her arm around Lydia as she leaned.

"I Uh you know I just feel it I can't explain it Em just the unique overwhelming love they have for you and know they're looking down so proud of you and so am I!" Lydia said crying

"I know I feel it too and Thank you! Thank you so much" Emily sniffled wiping her face

"Aw get over here!" Lydia said as she opened her ups as Emily moved towards them as the two embraced and cried together.

"I'm so glad you came back to me!" Emily blubbered Into Lydia's neck and shoulder crying in relief that another explosion didn't kill someone she loved

"So how come you never brought me here before? Like then?" Lydia asked curious as they broke away.

"Oh well..it's complicated thing Lydi..I just I had trouble trusting anyone even tho we were friends and it was a very sensitive and intimate place for me to visit..I guess I was just scared.." Emily admitted

"Aw Em..I can imagine well I'm glad you finally showed me where they were located..is it okay if I ask for the story of the day they died? If that's okay Being you never really told me anything other then just that it was a train crash" Lydia asked

"Ya no I don't mind..so I was 11 years old it used to be me,mom,dad and grandma Norma all living together. One night they said they were going on a trip for their work the last things I ever told them were that I loved them and would see them soon..a couple days later when they were supposed to come home instead of them we got cops at our front door alerting us that there was a train crash and fire caused by some miscreants that they were among the recovered remains and they were targeted being they were doing what I do now and the Miscrents were threatened by them so they went after that train specifically and the one cop handed me a doll and said that this and my moms purse was the only things that were undamaged they clearly had got me the doll on their trip and were planning to give it to me.." Emily sobbed

"Oh my god oh Emily.." Lydia said shaking her head and resting her hand on her back and rubbing it "No little girl should ever have to go through what you did like that ever"

"It still feels pretty surreal to me that they're gone I still dream about them often still being alive even though I know they're not..sometimes it feels like they're gonna come home any moment..but I know they won't" Emily cried as Lydia just pulled her close as Emily cried face down In her shoulder as Lydia just stroked her thick dark hair.

"I can't imagine how hard that is.." Lydia said

"When you left that was the other most painful thing I ever endured and I was so happy you decided to reach out again after all these years and when you jumped out of that window with that bomb I thought for sure I was gonna lose you like I lost my parents..I couldn't go through that again I just couldn't.." Emily sobbed and shook as Lydia shushed her and held her even closer to her

"Oh Emily oh I know...but hey look at me honey.." Lydia said as she pulled back a little and Emily lifted her head to look into Lydia green eyes as Lydia cradled the side of her face in one hand and leaned her forehead into hers "I promise you that's not gonna happen ya ain't gonna lose me this time ever I won't be going anywhere I'm staying for good. I wanna also be more in Tracy's life too that kid has become like my own! I'm gonna be here for both of you. You're not alone Emily I'm your family along with Tracy and grandma Norma and others we all care about you and love you kay?" Lydia said

"Okay..I love you too Lydia you're the few people who I have left that have stayed by my side and always cared and I'm so sorry I took you for granted sometimes...I don't want you to ever leave me again...too many people have left me..my parents and Tracy's dad and I thought you did for good too.." Emily continued but then stopped as Lydia just shushed her gently hugging her close again with her hand on the back of her head and her other arm wrapped around her waist

"Don't worry about it..I said I wasn't going anywhere you're not gonna rid of me that easy you never could.." Lydia said

"Good..I just...I miss my mom and dad.." Emily crying all over lydias chest as she rocked her gently

"I know baby..awww I know.." cooed Lydia as she hugged her even tighter and kissed her forehead and then rested her head on top of Emily's. "You don't have to say anything more..just lemme hold you.." she whispered as Emily nodded as she didn't have anything more to say anyways and just let herself fall apart more and finally be able to let out all her emotions in front of Lydia as their bond had grown stronger after all that happened today and the past.

"It's okay Em..I'm here..I gotcha..I got you.." Lydia kept saying over and over continuing to just sway back and forth with Emily in her arms.

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