A Son For Lord Andrew Charles Howard Part One

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It is November of 2279 and when Lady Karissa walks into Lord Andrew Charles' study and she is carrying some test results and an ultrasound picture to show Lord Andrew Charles as he sits at his desk at Beltane Manor.

Lady Karissa walks in and asks " I hope you are not busy Lord Andrew Charles."

"I am not busy, in fact I welcome the distraction Lady Karissa. My father left Norfolk Territory in shambles." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

Lady Karissa walks over to where Lord Andrew Charles is sitting and she hands Lord Andrew Charles the test and ultrasound picture and he looks at them and he smiles and asks." When?"

"Our son was conceived during Mabon and he will be born in Litha." Lady Karissa answers.

"I am finally going to have a son.." Lord Andrew Charles states with a smile.

"We are going to have a son and we will name him Lord Andrew Charles JR." Lady Karissa tells him.

"He will become the Duke of Lancaster Territory and so will his descendants." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Has Lord Charles Andrew picked up Lady Elizabeth?" Lady Karissa asks.

"Father just picked up Lady Elizabeth." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I am glad to hear that Andrew Charles. You know that I love Lady Elizabeth with all my heart but she has become a handful." Lady Karissa explains.

"You know that father dotes on her. He will spoil her rotten and as his first grandchild he is entitled to do so." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I have some news to share with you." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Lady Pauline is pregnant with their first child and my brother is overjoyed." Lord Andrew Charles tells her and her child is due in February of 2281."

"Lord Patrick isn't concerned about the gender of his child as no matter what the matter the child will become Duke or Duchess of Kendall Territory as Lady Alexandra will inherit Cambridge."

"You know that Lord Patrick will want his own daughter to inherit the Dukedom rather than Lady Alexandra Katherine." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I am sure that he will but I won't amend my laws about the first child to inherit the title." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

"My new niece or nephew will inherit the title of The Duke or Duchess of Kendall Territory." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Do you remember the last time we made love to each other and this is the result." Lady Karissa asks.

"I thought that it was a huge success and I am happy with the results" Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I thought you would be Lord Andrew Charles and what did Lord Charles Andrew say about Lady Elizabeth." Lady Karissa asks.

"Father believes if Lady Elizabeth is allowed to be around Lord Richard Edward III it will result in a positive change as they two have become inseparable." Lord Andrew Charles exclaims.

"Lady Elizabeth will be a good catch for Lord Richard Edward III as they are both the great grandchildren of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Sr and nothing would make their great-grandfather more happier." Lord Andrew Charles.tells her.

"Lady Elizabeth is only five years old and Lord Richard Edward III is only 4 years old, but nothing is impossible with the Howard's." Lady Karissa tells him.

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