Mr husband

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Chapter 9

Avni -  I don't want any excuse from u all do as I said I only want the result that I asked nothing else do u all  understood

Avni shouted to her members it has been four days to that incident. After returning from her penthouse next day  avni left to abroad for her business meeting with rohit. She wanted Neil to come with her but he refused saying he has nothing to do there and also he wants to apply for a new job as he don't want to work in her company where everyone will treat him differently after avni's declaration of him being her husband. At starting avni denied him to work in another company but after his lots of convincing her she agreed but asked him to join her another branch for his safety which for fortunately in the same city and also she don't want her husband to work under anyone else when  he himself have the power to but 10 companies like that.

According to Avni's thoughts she work hard for her family which unfortunately she didn't have with her  , but  now when she have her husband then why don't he want to enjoy the luxurious life she is providing earlier she appointed him in her company without him having any experience because she wanted him to keep near her and also she cant expose him saying that heyy I want u to be my husband when he doesn't even know her so she decided to offer him the job in her company so she asked one of her man to give her companies job vacancy with newspaper in to his hostel room so that he can see and can apply. As her planning got successful Neil joined her company.  But now when they both r married he knew her then why in the world he wants to do job when she have enough money to fulfill his every desire but when he insisted her by saying that everyone should be doing their duty and it'd his duty as a man to earn Money and fulfill his every responsibility toward his family in which she is a part may be he didn't have much money like her but then also he wants to do his work then she didn't denied. 

At 2 in London

After finishing her last meeting in her office avni asked her manager to book her flight back to India she can't wait to see her husband her Neil.

In India
At 5am

Neil was sleeping  after much efforts from the time avni had left he can't able to sleep peacefully without her warmth he accept it or not but avni had made him addicted of her , her care,her warmth or may be because he is alone in the whole mansion with body guards who are standing all outside the mansion for protection avni have tight the security more from the she had left . From 3 days he had started working overtime without break and started sleeping late at night. They even didn't talked much on phone more than five minutes. Avni was busy in back to back meetings for her upcoming project and in her her mafia business. Many rivals tried to take over her underground business but her being attentive toward her work they were unsuccessful. While she had to tight the security of Neil as her rival had eagle eyes on her weakness to defeat her in every means.  And she can't risk his security. Avni was very young when she placed her feet in this dangerous world and become their mafia queen at the the of 17 without any backbone. Firstly all refused to accept her as their leader but later because of  her capability and power  they had to bow their head in front of her and had to give the crown of queen. But some being jealous of her decided to make their own society so in future they can collect power against her, they many times attack her or tried to kill her but she always get  saved but now they just are searching her weakness to stab her. And this is one of the reason why avni wants to hide her relation with Neil from the world. She wants to hide him from her cruel world where there is no their close all are each others enemy and to gain power they can do anything ,even they can kill their own child then Neil is no different anyone can take advantage of him and can use for their benefit.

At 6:30
After landing , Avni came out of the her private jet in her full glory, she covered her eyes with glasses  while talking to rohit who came to get her.

Avni  - how was everything here

Rohit - everything is alright

Avni - hmm

Then both sat in the car while the guards followed them in other cars.  Avni sat in back seat with rohit sat in passenger seat and driver drove the car. 

Avni was checking her phone and replying to the emails. While rohit looked at her.

Rohit - Avni

Avni looked up at him

Avni - haa

Rohit - ummm...woh

Avni -- come straight to the point

Rohit hesitantly  - how is everything there I mean to say......u know  right

Avni - ya everything is under control that ass***e thought that he can defeat me but he doesn't know that Avni is not that easy to understand and without understanding anyone u can't defeat them , he is rotting in hell now u know what I mean right

And both laugh evilly ,their laughter was filled with darkness from which u can't escape same like black color absorb all colour inside it and u can't even trance that which colour it was just same like that.

Avni must be  very soft from her heart but her insides were made of metal which she had made in the past  from her pain and tears  , and to reach her heart u have to cross a very long path full of agony,soreness and destruction. But once u entered their then ur life will become a heaven. Which happened with Neil.

You must have heard that love is blind it can turn a devil to an angel ,for love people can even fight with god it was something like for Neil also , seeing him first time Avni fell hard for him yes that Avni who once vowed to never let anyone entered in her life ,to never trust anyone is now blindly after him , she can't able to ignore him , her feeling for him and end being forcefully married to him. 

Avni reached her mansion.  And entered inside while Neil was sitting in the dinning table lost in his thoughts.

Avni - Mr husband

Neil stood up while looking at her.

Neil - Avni

Both stare each other.

Be safe

Lots of love to u all

Love u all


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