Chapter 18

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Next morning Neil wakes up and smiles seeing her sleeping after a long time as usually she leaves before he wake and come after he slept.

He was staring when some of her hairs strands fell on her face blocking his view making him frown ,tucking her hairs behind he admired her for sometime then went to get freshen up.

Waking up at 7 Avni came down after her morning chores then walked toward the kitchen.

"Good morning mam" All maids greeted her together making her nod.

"Where is Neil??"Avni asked them, when she saw Neil coming out of the kitchen with a big bowl in his hand and placed it on the dinning table.

"Good morning Avni"Neil wished her.

"Good morning."Avni said.

"You know cooking??"Avni asked pointing at the bowl.

"Not much but yeah I can"Neil replied making her nod.

"So what did you made??"Avni asked him

"I..made..."Neil was going to reply but stopped hearing a loud voice.

"Avni..Avni my daughter where are you??"

Hearing the loud voice Avneil came in the living area, seeing the person Avni   clenched her jaw while Neil confusingly stared at the person.

"My..daug...daughter Avni...?? How are you my prin..princess"

"Mam I tried to stop him but he came here after pushing us."One of her guard said when Rohit came there.

Hearing him Avni fisted her hand tightly and coldly asked him.

"Mr Mehta what are you doing in my house??I dont remember, me inviting you here??"Avni asked coldly making Neil look at her.

" child..I am your father. And does a father need permission to come into her own daughter's house:
?"Ashish said making Neil shock.

"Well I dont remember me having any father and even if I do then still they need to ask permission from the child if they are like you Mr Ashish Mehta. And why are you here?? Do you need anything from me??"Avni asked knowing him well.

"Like me or other but I am still your father so I can come whenever I want."He said making her clench her fist tightly.

"Why are you here??"Avni asked

"Tch...tch..tch so straight forward?? Aren't you?? So let me tell you the reason of me being here. I want you to marry my friend's son"Ashish said making Neil's eyes widen.

"I will not"Avni said making him frown.

"Avni I said you have to marry him. I have to sign a big deal with his father and dont know why, but he want you to be his daughter in law. "H said

"I am not gonna marry anyone"Avni said with surelity in her voice him frown.

"Why cant you marry him?? You ungrateful bit** "He shouted angrily.

"First of all dont you dare to high your voice in front of me. Secondly you are no one to make me marry anyone."Avni said

"Why cant you marry hmm,? Is it because you have got a new toy toplay with?? Who is he, is he that bodyguard of yours or you so called shadow or wait..."He said noticing  Neil.

"Oh is he the one?? Your new toy"He chuckled.

"Boy how much money is she giving you to be her pet?? I will give you triple of that just leave her"He said

"Shut up. Dont you dare to talk to him like that. "Avni shouted at him to which he flinched but then continued trying to not to show   that he's scared.

"You are shouting at me ?? For whom this down market rejected
product? You bastard what did do to my daughter huhh! "Ashish 

"Dont you dare to shout at him. "Avni said loudly.

"Rohit take him away"Avni pointed at Neil making him nod ,then he took him away.

"And daughter about which daughter are you are speaking about? That daughter whom you threw out of your house in the middle of night or are you talking about the one ,whom you sold to an unknown man in the name of..."Avni stopped.

"You are no one for one. You dont have any right on me or my property. You are nobody to me. "Avni said angrily gritting her teeth.

"Why did you stopped Avni. Tell me,whom did I sold you?? Who was that person who became your destruction,and lastly where is that person??"Ashish asked making her look him with anger hurt and there was some unknown emotion in her eyes which could not decipher.

"Avni I know I did wrong that time,I was not a good man but now I have changed myself. Please dont destroy your life on someone like him. Please Avni."Ashish said making her lower her lashes but the up it with full confidence.

I am a princess. And

A princess doesn't cry.

"Mr Mehta whatever money you need, I am ready to give you that now you can leave"Avni said making him hurt

"I.."He wanted to say something but stopped and nodded his head before leaving from there.

"I..told you to be in your room,didnt I"Avni said making Neil startled.

Lowering his lashes he saw her looking at him through the mirror which was placed in front of her making him realise that she already was aware of his presence.

"I.."Neil started not knowing what to say.

"When I say something then its for your benefit only. I am ignoring you this time ,but be careful next time because maybe you won't be this lucky every time.."Avni said turning toward him then went away.
Neil was sitting in his office working there but his mind. His mind was still revolving around the morning incident. He was very confused.

Who was that man ?? Why was he calling himself her father?? And Avni why was she behaving so cold toward him??

There were many question in his mind but there was to answer his question.

I think I should talk to her.

Yeah it will be right.

Neil stood up from his seat and glance at his clock it was 6pm.

Everyone must have left till now.

Neil went out of his cabin and started to walk toward her office. Reaching there he entered inside only to get shocked.

"You what are you doing here??"

Hello everyone I hope you all like it  Do give your reviews.

P/s- Its unedited so ignore the mistake

Lots of love to you all

Love you all

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