where he was trapped| 01

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He felt so trapped. Like a bear in a... well a trap. Like a cricket trapped inside a shoebox, with no holes.

Time creeps by, so slow that every minute felt like an year. But there he was, no escaping it. Time's a trap, and he was caught in it. Waiting for the slow passage of time, the days slip by morning wear to noon before the night overtakes him.

He was tired of feeling angry, he was tired of crying and feeling worthless. He was tired of feeling stuck, he was tired of feeling lonely, helpless, unloved when all his senses were slowly closing off on him. His mind and soul were gradually losing courage, his body was ready. To surrender.

But in the midst of darkness, the light persists. A gloomy silence filled the air, in a dark and mysterious way.

A faint tremble, a slight shiver had seemed to run through the still bones.

The last thing he remembered was the dark aura surrounding around a tall figure with broad shoulders, watching him through the door and a blinding light fell across the dark room. The young boy winced at the sudden contact with presence of the light that hadn't entered the room in day's, possibly.

In an precipitously manner, he wakes up too hastily.

The world seemed so blur around him and if he tired to focus on outside of it, his would get severe headache. His mind felt prepared to combust or something right now.

He winced slightly as pain shot into his brain. His head aches, he felt dizzy and very nauseous at the sight.

All of a sudden, Click!

His eye's shot up at the sound, has he was weary of the slightest noise. He could see the same familiar frame, closing in on him. Same sinking feeling from before made it's way to his heart. The tall person takes a chair from nearby and sits straight in front of the other. "I see, you are awake already" He spoke, an evil grin plastered on his face.

The other nodded, his eye's stuck to his hands that were nervously shaking in fear. The man smug smiled, has his hand reached the other.

The boy flinched.

It was evident that the man's presence was making him feel uneasy. "You know, I don't enjoy this either right?" He asks, hands petting the others head. It was almost a caring gesture, and soon enough the boy relaxed.

His muscles weren't has tensed, and he wasn't trembling now. "Eat up... I bet you're hungry" The man slides a plate of sandwiches in his hand. And just like he said, the boy was hungry has he wasted no time in inhaling those sandwiches. He was eating in a very wildly manner, which made the other tsked in annoyance.

He clicked his tongue, "How much more should I discipline you into eating properly?" His tone abruptly changes.

"I-I- I'm s-sor-sorry" The boy panicked has he stuttered, voice coming out extremely scratchy. His throat was hurting so bad, that he could barely speak up.

He was extra thirsty and hungry, has the boy didn't had anything in the past few days. He was kept in that isolated dark room for day's, without light, food and water. Why? Because he had made a mistake. And he needed to be corrected and fairly punished for those mistakes.

The man frowns, "Now you can't even speak properly... Ju-yung you never learn do you?" His face held a very cold and chilling expression.

"Ple-please don't p-put me in that room... Please please" He begged, fat tears forming inside his dark orbs. The man could sense the fear running through the other's body, and it made him feel superior. Opposite to his terror, the tall figure sat next to him. Taking the trembling boy into his arms, "Don't worry, darling. I will not do that, but you have be good for daddy." The man speaks, has he put his hand under the youngers chin.

Tilting his head upwards, "You think you can do that?" He asks.

And just like he imagined, the boy nodded in a rush.

The man smiled sinisterly, has the young boy was cling onto him for his dear life. The boy had become less nervous and fallen into the trap again.

And it was a repeating cycle, again and again till the man was thoroughly satisfied. The boy would always end up falling into his trap, because he had no escape. A trap built-up so nicely over the years that not even the boy was aware of it anymore. He was happily trapped inside, without the wish of breaking free.

And that was the plan from the start.


So I'm rewriting the story with a different plot, it's interesting please give it a read.

I know I promised to continue but then failed to so has I was extremely busy with work and few personal problem.

But now I'm actually willing to post and end the story that I started early.

I hope you enjoy this version of the same story, the storyline has kept the same but the plot has been changed accordingly.

Don't be a silent reader, please comment your review about my story. Thanks!!!

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