Screw you dad

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Hinata POV
I grab a few shirts and some other necessities and put it neatly in my bag, I opened the drawer next to my bed and grab my camp necklace that has 5 beads on it and put it on.

Masaru-papa lended me his-well one of his private jets, for us to take to New York, perks of having a rich parent or a step-parent in this case I guess. I was told to go to the airport and then go to the front desk and say who I am, and they usually escort me to the jet.

I've taken some of his jets before about 2 years ago, by force. I was shaking the whole flight, just waiting for Zeus to strike me down. But he didn't thankfully, maybe because one of Apollo's domain was the sun and that's why I didn't get striked down?

I then get reminded to do something and I went to the bathroom and fill up the sink with water, I pulled a drachma from my pocket and throws it in the water.

"Hey Fleecy, do me a favor and show me Travis Stoll on Camp Half-Blood"

A rainbow formed and there I see Travis, filling up some water balloons for whatever he's gonna use it as.

"Yo Travy"

He looks up and a smile formed on his face.

"Yo Sho! Hey Connor check it out! It's Shoyou"

Connor then popped in from beside him and a similar smile formed on his face.

"Sup' Sho! How are ya'?"

"Eh, been alright. BTW heads up, prepare some beds, there's gonna be a sworm of clear sighted mortals coming to camp"

"Really? How many?"

"About 12 people"

"Holy Hades, that's a lot of clear sighted mortals"

"Yep, just don't tell Clarisse about this kay'? If I found out that EITHER of you told her, I will murder you in your sleep. Got that?"

"Y-yes sir!"
-Travis and Connor

"Good, now I gotta continue packing, see ya' "
I said swiping through the I.M

I realize I have some time on my hands and I got out a huge piece of paper and draw some designs, I have this idea of a cabin for visitors and unclaimed campers.
Since the Hermes cabin is usually cramped because they're taking in pretty much everybody if they don't have their own cabin, why not make a cabin just for THOSE people?

In about an hour I came up with a sketch of what the cabin could look like, I think Annabeth will be proud of me.

In about an hour I came up with a sketch of what the cabin could look like, I think Annabeth will be proud of me

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I rolled up the sketch and put it in my bag.

I grab a few more stuff and shoves them inside my duffle bag (it's only camp anyway) and slings it over my shoulder, text coach and found out that they're waiting at the gym then I say goodbye to my mom and sister,
she wants me to take her with me but I say no as usual, and with the promise of me braiding her hair and watching frozen 2 once I got back, I got into the limo parked outside and headed off.

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