Study Session

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Hinata POV
We were in the middle of class and it's history and we're learning about...Greek Mythology. WhAt A cOiNcIdEnCe, oh yeah! We're learning the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice.

"Now for your homework, I'm going to give you a sheet of paper with trivia questions on it and I want you to answer those questions. And I want them completed by tomorrow.
And don't forget that the day after tomorrow we will have a test on Greek Mythology. Class dismissed"
The teacher said putting a stack of papers for us to grab on our way out.

I looked at the paper and the questions are easy in my opinion, but that's coming from me who is actually a son of A Greek Mythology god so, eh.

I went home and I still have about an hour before practice so I showered, gather the stuff I need for practice, get dressed, then while I wait I did the homework and yeah, it doesn't take a lot of time because I'm basically a pro at this stuff.

I go the gym and I brought my homework with me because I feel like I need to, I entered the gym and we practice like usual. After practice we were cleaning up and suddenly my battle instincts kicked in and I heard

"Hinata! Watch out!"
From Suga-san

And with my battle instincts I dodge the Volleyball coming at me with my hand ((Kiyoko style)) and the ball landed on the floor.

"Are you okay Hinata!?!?"
Suga-san said worried

"Yeah, I'm fine Suga-san"

"Sorry Shoyou, we were aiming for the basket and accidentally aim for you, and how did you do that?!"
Noya-san said apologizing

"It's okay Noya-san, I'm okay. And uhh, reflex? I guess"

"Anyway, as I was saying. Anyone understands the homework we have about, what was it? Ophius and Eudice?"

"Idiot, it's-"

"It's Orpheus and Eurydice but close enough"
I cut Tsukishima off

"Yeah that, wait did we all get the same homework?"

"I guess?"

"No, our's is about the Pandora's box and we have to write an essay"
Suga-san butt in.

"Oh okay, but anyway, I have no idea what the answers are"

"Same bro, how about you Hinata?"

"Um, I already did it"

"What!! How?!"

"Yeah I call bullshit"

I pulled out my homework from my bag and showed them that I already finished.

"Wait, WTF"

"Please let us copy Shoyou, our Greek Mythology genius Kouhai"
Noya and Tanaka senpai said on their knees

"How about this, let's meet up somewhere and we could do a study session. We have a test the day after anywa, I can probably help with Pandora's box too"

"Great idea! I got a text from Nekoma that they have Greek Mythology also so we could invite them!"
Kiyoko butt in, oh yeah did I mention that Kiyoko is a daughter of Athena and Yachi is the daughter of Demeter?

"Yeah, but where though"

"Hmm, I know a Cafe where you can reserve a room for meetings. Maybe I can reserve the room and we can use it!"

"Are you sure they will let us use it?"

"Yep, I'll text the address to the group chat"

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