Red and blue

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Wait... this art ain't mine!!! Disclaimer that I forgot to put in...

As I was skating to 's' so many people were lined up. Is there really a special event going on? I don't even know who to race. Ooh what about I can race with 3 people?! Maybe... those 2 bros over there. Or should I just not bother? Meh I'll ask them anyway. I walked up to the boy with red hair and one with blue hair. "Hey, mind if I race with you, cool dudes?" I asked politely.
What the fu- why are they laughing at me-

Well only the one with blue hair is not laughing. He's asking the red head if he has the laughing bug in him for laughing so hard. "I'll skate with you!" The snowy blue haired boy said without denial.
"What! Langa you're really gonna skate with a kid?" The red head whispered thinking I wouldn't hear. "I can hear you, red head." I said giving the red head a fright.

"Aww come one! Why am I the one getting weird names?" The red head groaned.

"Who's giving you weird names?" I asked with ease.

"The cat boy Miya, he calls me a slime."

"Yeah that's because slimes never win! You think this kid is better than you so you don't wanna race against her!" I heard a voice coming from behind me. I backed away seeing clearly that it was the cat boy from earlier. I looked away hoping he wouldn't recognise me because of how awkward I was before.

"Oh, it's you from the skate park." Just as I thought, Miya did notice me.

"You can race against me if you want. Of course I'll win becuase I'm a boy and have more skills than you." Miya said trying to make me mad. Damn, skater boys are s3x1st now!
"I see kitty cat. So you think that since ima girl, I have no skills?" I argued back.
"We'll see, princess slime."
"I- uh- princess what?!"
Before I could throw hands, Miya was already at the racing point.

"Darn it to heck what was he saying again?"

I reached the starting point of the race. I looked at Miya, he smirked back. I shook it off and got ready before the 4 red light went. Beep...beep...beep...beep...Go! I jumped on my skateboard ahead of Miya. Hehe boi I'm gonna win! Behind me, the cat boy was doing tricks with his skateboard and immediately caught up to me. I quickly swerved an ollie over a rocky slump while Miya just went through it and I was back in the lead.
"You're not bad for a slime princess!" Miya said from behind.
"Oh yeah!? Well just wait until you actually see me in a crown!" I said looking back at him. A sharp turn was coming and the road is really, really rough. I slid through it, but Miya was gaining behind me. He then was in the lead.

-time skip-

Y/n won the race! She was crowned as royal slime. "Beat that, kitty cat!" I pointed at Miya. Then I regretted what I said as I saw him looking down at his feet. "Oh yeah, you did it princess slime!" The red head came up to me.
"Wanna hang out with us?"

"Nah, you look like the burnt palm trees I saw when skating!" Red head backed away cautiously.

But you will join our group right?" He asked.

Yeah sure whatever." I responded.

Hey, you're pretty good at skating!" I heard Miya say coming up to me. I thought he was sad before.

Hehe thanks Sir Goo!" I said liking Miya's compliment.

After getting to know each other and having a little chat, the four of you, Langa, Reki, Miya and y/n all decided to go to Joe's restaurant. "Wait a minute... who's Joe?" I asked dumbfounded recognising the name.
"Joe has a restaurant nearby 's' and we go there every now and then." The red head named Reki answered.
"Oh ok. Let's get going then!" I said excited.
"Hey, last one there is not getting desert!" Miya challenge us all as he grabbed his skateboard and rode on ahead of us.
"Oi! Miya you got a run up before us!" Reki complained.
"Oh well, I'm thinking of having snow cones for desert. See y'all there!" Langa said as he hopped on his skateboard. I followed behind Langa to make sure Reki doesn't go ahead of us. I passed Langa and got up to Miya.

"Always no.1 huh?" Miya said as I skateboarded next to him.

"Actually, I've just started 's' today! The obstacles were nothing!" I boasted.

"Mhm big flex much..?"

"We'll see about that cat boy!" I pushed in front of him.
Then both, Miya and I were racing against each other to Joe's restaurant.

"Haha! You see claimed princess slime royalty, I won!" Miya shouted with pride.

"Hehe that's because I was going easy on you. Don't flatter yourself!" I commented as I saw Miya pout. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen! Miya came 1st, I came behind him 2nd, Langa was 3rd and Reki came last. "Hahaha, Slime-san can't get desert without paying for it himself!" Miya taunted Reki calling him Slime.

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