Chapter Three

390 37 41

14 June 2021

Hey, everyone! Here's the third chapter, I hope you all like it! Sorry for such a long wait! 

"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others." - Stephen R. Covey

Liyana's POV

I'm still trapped. It's been three days, and I'm still stuck here. There's no way out. I've checked everywhere. There's no secret door in this room, there's nothing. It's been three days, and I don't think I'll be getting out of here anytime soon.

But that doesn't mean that I'm giving up.

Every time I think back to Mum and Shehryaar Bhai, my eyes fill up with tears and I get so angry. Although they, too, have never shown too much love towards me because they're afraid of my father, I know that they love me dearly. Mum doesn't know where her daughter is, or what state she's in. I know how guilty she must be feeling, and upset too. But she won't dare to ask my father. She's never, ever spoken up to him. She'd never dare.

I had made up a plan in my mind, to be 'nicer' to my kidnapper. To that mysterious man who's holding me captive. But I haven't seen him again after that day. I'm glad I haven't seen him. He infuriates me. He doesn't tell me why he's keeping me here, what I ever did to him that would explain why he's kidnapped me. And also, I'm glad I haven't seen him because he scares me. He scares me a lot, but I'm never going to admit that.

I've been making use of the shower, and the clothes that are in the walk-in closet. The closet is full of designer clothes from all over the world. Only the best brands. And what scares me, is that every single item of clothing in the closet is of my size. Everything fits me perfectly, like everything was bought for me. I don't want to think too much into that, though. Not right now.

I've just finished taking a shower, and I've changed into a pair of maroon silk pyjamas. The maroon button-up shirt has half sleeves that reach my elbows, and it fits me nicely. It's paired with maroon silk pyjama trousers that fit my curves and petite size comfortably. I walk out of the bathroom, drying my hair roughly with a thick, soft white towel, when I see a tall, broad-shouldered man standing in front of me. He looks at me briefly, before his gaze moves to the wall behind me.

I frown. I've never seen him before. He's tanned, and he must be in his late thirties. I wonder who he is. I look towards my bed. Dinner hasn't been brought to me yet. It's usually here by now.

I cross my arms over my chest, uncomfortably.

"Boss wants to meet you. He's downstairs, in the living room," he says, professionally.

I raise an eyebrow. 'Tell your boss he can go- okay. Let me get changed. I assume you'll wait for me until I change, in case I escape through the open door?' I say, sarcastically.

"He needs to see you right now."

I frown. 'Like this? I'm in my pyjamas,' I scoff, getting annoyed.

He nods. "He doesn't like to wait."

'Got it,' I mutter, taking a deep breath. I'm afraid to be seeing him again after three days, but at the same time, I'm glad to be finally getting out of this room, even if it's for a short while. I wonder what he wants with me, though.

Fear starts to run down my spine. Does he want to hurt me? Why else would he want to see me? It's bad enough that he's kidnapped me and is keeping me here against my will, but does he want to physically hurt me too, now?

Goosebumps form all over my body as I leave the room, following the man who's walking a few steps ahead of me. He doesn't look back once. He knows very well that I'm following him. What else would I do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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