Most Probably Stupid

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I have a Love and Hate relationship with this specific story. Sometimes I want to continue it but other times I don't. 

Still Mark's perspective.


First conscience: He wasn't even dying. It's just a small cut.

Second conscience: But he fell down and it's on Mark.

First conscience: Did he trip him? How was that even his fault?

Second conscience: He was pretending not to hear him. Surely that counts for something.


How does one decide which is the GOOD conscience and which one's the BAD?

I have two conflicting voices in my head and I can't tell which one to listen to. Or which one should I listen to? I can certainly leave him alone and just go home but because I have our memories together and I used to know him, I can pretty much guess what he's doing right now. Or rather, what he's not doing right now. Whatever. I don't care anymore.


"Mark? You're still here? I thought you went home already?" P'Vee looked surprised and happy at the same time. I mostly knew what all his different smiles meant and the one he's showing me right now is especially. . . delighted.

Why am I here again? Ah, because I'm stupid.

"I remember I still have these unused band aids in my first aid kit. Use the salt water first to clean the cut and you can bandage it after." I said as I unceremoniously push the plastic bag to P'Vee's hands.

My senior didn't move though and was only looking at me.

"You went back because of this?"

"Not really. I left something in my locker and just brought these along since it's on the way. It wasn't much trouble. But if you've already taken care of it then I'll just take these back with me." I replied as I pretend to withdraw my hand that was holding the items but P'Vee grabbed my wrist and took the plastic bag.

"I see. That's why. I actually forgot about it."

I know you would.

"Then would you mind tending the cut for me. We're a bit busy here that it escaped my mind, the clinic too was a bit far." P'Vee said as he guides me to the nearest bench still not letting go of my wrist.

"Even if the clinic wasn't that far you still won't go." I absentmindedly said as I sat down and take out the items.

"You seem to know me very well." P'Vee stated as he sat too and I can feel him staring at me.

Talk about digging my own grave.

"I can guess well." I replied. Trying not to sound suspicious.

"That's a pretty accurate guess, then. Have we met-"

"No. We haven't met before. We never did P'."



"Are you sure?"

"I am sure."

"Okay. If you say so."

"Don't overthink P'. You just don't look like you're fond of needles and nurses or clinics in general. You might look tough but you're really a soft- ouch!"

I glare at my senior as I massage my forehead. He still has this habit of flicking people's foreheads.

"Why did you do that P'?!"

"Well deserved, right? Are you supposed to assume that about your senior? I am a what? Are you going to say, 'I'm a softie?' I'm treating you nice and thought you were cute and this is how you'll behave towards me?"

That fried my brain for a second.

Tsk. Cute?


You're kidding.

How do I reply to that?

Should I reply to that?

"Snap out of the daze, nong. It's getting late and I am so hungry." P'vee said when dumb me went tongue-tied.

"Yes, phi." Was what I only managed to say.

" Come to think of it, I don't remember eating lunch today." P'vee added later on.

That's just the P'vee I know. Forgets to eat lunch. Doesn't treat his wounds right away. But still runs hard after someone only to trip and hurt himself.

How come you are still alive? I was tempted to ask but instead, I said:

"Phi, when people don't eat, they die." I told him like it's the biggest secret in the universe.

Phi looked at me weird then laughed.

"Right. When people don't eat, they will really die." P'Vee said mimicking the way I did with all seriousness. "So finish that up and let's find somewhere to eat so we don't die, okay?"

And like the old me who easily falls for the sound of his laughter and the way his eyes turn into crescents when he laughs, I find myself agreeing to a dinner with him.

Stupid. Stupid.



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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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