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Draco had kept me company the other night, he came in to borrow a book and well he didn't leave until the morning. We didn't have sex, he just placed his head in between my thighs and did all the work.

Most nights I wonder what it would be like to share a room with someone, to never have to be alone like I always am. I was never bothered by the loneliness until I met Pansy, she makes me hate being myself

I was staying up late reading 'It' by Stephen King. Not the best choice to read late at night

There were two silent knocked on my door, I put on my robe and walked towards the door, when I opened it there stood Pansy.

Her eyes were red from crying and her lip swollen

"Sorry if I woke you up" she wiped her face

"I wasn't asleep, come in?" I opened the door and she stepped inside "We don't have to talk about it, we can just lay down" I laid back in bed closing my book

She had her back turned away from me and all I could hear were her muffled tears, I wanted to ask but I didn't want to pry

Thirty minutes passed and I was almost sure she was sleeping

"Are you awake?"

"Yes" "Are you okay?"


It was silent again, I wish I was a comforting person

"I have to tell you something"


She was silent again

"I like boys and girls"


She turned around and so did I to now face her

"Just okay?" she asked

"Yes just okay" I moved her hair from her face

"Daphne and Tracy dont change in the room now, they always change in the restroom" her eyes watered again

"As if you'd fancy them" I joked and she laughed

"Do you want me to leave now?" She asked and I was silently offended that she thought I was that type of person

I wrapped my arm around her head and pulled her close running my fingers through her hair, she started crying more.

"I want you to stay, move in with me"

She stopped crying "What?"

"Don't go back to them, I have more then enough room, and you'd be happy here"

"I couldn't ask that of you Ivory"

"You're not asking, I'm telling you to live with me, then you won't have to cry"

So it was settled, the next day I helped her pack all her things again. In front of her other roommates that shot me dirty looks

"The two lovers living together now, how romantic" Daphne laughed and as we were about to leave, I shouldn't have but I did.

Did this bitch forget who I was?

I dropped the box walked over to her and punched her across the face, I felt her nose snap in half and my knuckles hurt like a bitch

I pinched her nose knowing it would hurt her "Report me to Snape and i'll make sure your father is fired from his useless job and I will fuck Miles and we all know  he will never even look your way"

I pinched harder the tears ran down her face "Are we in an agreement?"

She nodded "Dont be so silent now Greengrass"

"Y-yes" I threw her face her blood on my hands and picked the box up again

I helped her unpack even though my knuckles were throbbing with pain, she didn't have many things so we finished quickly

"Roman gets in so many fights he can help you" Pansy took me up to Romans room "Thank you for doing that"

"No need to thank me" I smiled

We waited for Roman to come back from quidditch practice with Draco in his room "You throw a good punch apparently" he laughed examining my knuckles

"Hurts like hell" I tried to move my knuckles

Pansy told Draco what happened and why she was moving into my room. He kissed the top of my head and thanked me

"What's this love fest?" Theo emerged from the shower his wet hair over his face a black crew neck and black sweatpants

"I'm not in the mood today Nott"

He noticed how I clutched my hand and his face changed right away he walked closer to me

"Who did this" I could feel the anger radiating off him

"Fuck off" I scoffed I knew he didn't like me anymore than I didn't like him

He grabbed my face and made me look him in the eye "Who" there was anger written all over his face
as if he cared.

"She punched Daphne across the face, Daphne didn't hit her back, relax Theo" Pansy pulled his hand off of my face

"Come here" he grabbed my other wrist and pulled me into the restroom slamming the door shut

He picked me up and sat me on the counter, he wet a towel with warm water and started taking off the blood

"Next time punch with your two front knuckles so this doesn't happen" He was so gentle with my fingers

"Im waiting for Roman to place it back into place" I pulled my hand away

"I didn't fucking ask" He pulled my hand back

He pulled out his wand "This is going to hurt"

"You just want to hear my scream" I braced myself

"I do, maybe one day I will" he smiled and I hate when  he does that

He pointed his wand and he didn't lie about the pain, I pursed my lips and clenched my eyes shut

"Good as new" He let go of my hand I was able to move it without pain now

"Where'd you learn how to do it?" I asked

He paused "I always saw my mum healing herself and I learned"

"Your mum got into fights?" I asked

He looked away "My father did, with her, she never stood a chance against him when he was mad" He went to open the door but I stopped him

"Thank you, and i'm sorry"

"You don't need to be sorry and you don't need to thank me, I helped you because I know you stood up for Pansy, not because I care"

"Just when I thought you may actually be likable"

He met my eyes "If anyone ever fucking touches you, tell me and i'll fucking rip their spine out of their skin, doesn't have to be a touch, a dirty look or simply ask and they'll never walk a day in their life"

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now