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Yes i'm a cheating piece of shit. Am I proud of what I did? No. Do I regret what I did? Also no.

I don't know what it is but Ivory lights me on fire and I don't think straight when i'm around her. The problem is I always want to be around her.

Daphne hates it. Especially because Ivory has a sense of humor. In transfiguration she sits in front of us and likes to "drop" her quill. She bends down and that skirt lifts and I always fall for it. Daphne elbows my ribs. Worth it.

I always fall for Ivory's stupid charm and witty responses. I convinced myself she was empty but it's getting harder to remind myself of that

"Livingston looks like Slughorn made us partners for this project" Which was a lie I had to beg Pansy to trade with me

"What did I do to deserve this?" She muttered

Daphne was sitting in front and snapped her head around rolling her eyes. Ivory winked at her. Absolutely infuriating

She worked quietly doing most of the work for us I just tried to work up the nerve to make conversation with her.

"Your girlfriend doesn't like how you keep looking at me" She looked up at me

"But you like it?" I asked

She scooted up closer to me and placed her hand on my cock and started rubbing it until it was hard "Do you like this?" she whispered

"I think you can tell I do" I was finally able to speak she slipped her hand inside my pants and I grabbed into the edge of the desk breathing hard

"Theo do you want to come over later?" Daphne turned around Ivory started going harder

I nodded. I could not open my mouth.

"I think he's going to be busy doing this project with me" Ivory started jerking it harder

"Piss off Livingston no ones talking to you"

Ivory smiled. Daphne sorry love but her hand is literally on my cock. She turned back around and I faced Ivory who was looking absolutely delicious

I felt my body tense up and knew I was about to cum I tried swallowing hard to slowly myself down but it was no use I felt my body start burning up

I finished and she collected my cum in her hand, I was not expecting her to lick her hand swallowing all of me.

"I should be worried, where'd you learn how to do that?" I asked just the thought of her doing this to another guy made me furious

"Did you like it?" She asked

"I fucking loved it" I whispered

I cant be around her. Even seeing her walk up the corridors or walking behind her I can't think straight. But it's more than that, i'm up at night wondering if she's painting, I wonder what book she's reading now. I wonder if I cross her mind as much as she does mine.

I don't think i'd be a good boyfriend to her, i'd never be unloyal to her but my life is falling apart, I still get mad all the time, I still snap at people and honestly she kind of makes it worse. It's hard to keep my temper around her, it's hard to even breath around her. I want to be good. I want to be good for her.

So i'm going to try.

"How's your day today?" That's the best I can come up with

"It's okay, how is yours?" She asked and I can sense her confusion

"Why is your day just okay?"

"Why didn't you answer my question?" She asked

"Today's a good day, a bit cold but i'm going to smoke today with Roman so it'll be a good day"

She nodded, she's never been one for conversation

"So why is your day just okay?" I asked again

She stopped writing "Today's my moms birthday"

How is she here? How is she put together? I don't understand how she does it.

"I'm sorry" I knew that feeling of missing someone no longer alive

"It's okay" She went back to writing, she seems so shielded she's never let me see the real her and I want to know the real her so badly

"Can we hang out today?" I asked


I didn't listen. I knew she said tomorrow so she could be alone today. She shouldn't be alone today. So I knocked on her door. It took her awhile but she opened it.

"I told you tomorrow"

Her eyes were slightly red "Were you crying?" I asked

She sniffed "No"

"Hug?" I asked and she nodded. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, I like doing this, she has so much confidence and control it usually makes her seem like a giant but when i'm holding her i'm reminded that she's human.

"Lay with me, please?" She rested her chin on my chest

I wanted to say 'Wow Livingston saying please? Never thought i'd live to see the day' but we were having a moment and I didn't want to ruin it

"Of course" I wrapped my arms around her in bed and she did the same

"Do you miss your mom?" She asked


"It usually never effects me, her birthday, but after this summer I wish more than anything that she had lived" She spoke so softly

"I'm 100 certain she would've loved you and been proud of you" I started stroking her hair

"She wouldn't have been. She would've seen only my father all over my face"

"I know how that feels, I never wanted to be anything like my father yet I am the spitting imagine of him, my mum would be so disappointed in me" I admitted

"That's not true, she would've been glad she taught her son how to be kind and compassionate"

Merlin why do I feel like crying right now? When i'm around her I feel like I matter.

"She painted too, father built her a greenhouse even, sometimes I wonder if he actually loved her, he didn't."

"Talk more about your mother"

I never spoke to anyone about my mum, that was the most sensitive part of myself "She had this black cat that she absolutely adored"

"The one you bought a christmas jumper for?"

She remembered that? "Yes that one, we would walk around the manor together for hours just us two, she was my best friend"

"Do you visit her?"

"Now that I can aparate I went every day during summer"

"If I die young Theo do you promise you'll visit me?"

She called me Theo. "You're not going to die young Ivory" she simply cannot

"That wasn't what I asked"

I wrapped my arms around her just a little tighter "I would visit you everyday"


I know i'm biased but I love Theo and Ivory together, they really understand each other's traumas.

The Snake of Wall Street | Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now