ethe ring / commminment

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/august POV

So tonight I'm going to propose to my baby Jenna we've been dating just a couple. Of months

But she changed me to become a better man and the settling down type cause I really love her and want to marry her so I'm do it at my concert in new York city and imma get her best friend. Faith to help me with the decorations and most of all the ring it got to be perfect. For her but don't tell her


So august called me and asked me to help him plan his proposal to Jenna I said I will help him

So me and august went to pick up the decorations and the4k diamond ring with their names inside it and set up at his home and I called all of her family! And friends and they arrived

I wish usher would propse


So me and Jenna went t dinner and now its time to go to the concert I'm nervous so I sing my hits and know

Can't wait

Jenna POV.

I was watching august perform then he called me onstage. To sing kissng on my tattoes and then. He got down on one knee and said that he loves me and wants to spend the rest of my life. Together s Jenna smith will you marry me and become Mrs alsina. Yes. I'm so happy can't wait to marry

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