honeymoon part 2

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Usher bae why are you torturing me

Faith how am I torturing you

Usher youre struting around me with just slk bra and red lace panties and you know how much I. Wanna make love right now

Faith so

Usher stop it

Faith stop what

Usher if you do it again. You got start something

Faith does it again

Usher let's videotape

Faith sure

Usher I. Can't take it anymore pushes you on the bed and takes off his clothes and strips you with his tongue and kisses you're sweet spot and licks you're clit

Faith stop teasingv me

Usher okay

He picks up Raymond and rubs it on you and then. He puts it in and he starts thrusting slow than faster faster

Faith oooh usher moans. Right there. Put it on me

Ushers whose. P is this

Faith yours

Usher what's my name. Your moans are sexy

Faith daddy. Faster.

Faith moans then cums ya are going so hard

Usher puts you on all floors and enters you from the back. You moans and start arching you're back and sctratchin on his skin

Faith moans moans moans screams

Then he puts you on the way and does the same thing he pulls out

Usher. Ride me

Yo ride him and sucks him he moans and cums you lick it up

Usher let's take this to the shower he puts himself in you

And he does the same thing

3 hours later

Usher. Babe that was amazing

Faith it was

Usher. You was screaming daddy faster ohh usher

Faith shut up

Usher you now I tore it up

Faith you try to get up and put on panties and fall

Usher laughs dang I tore it

Ya watch the video

Usher dang I beat that ass up

Then ya go to sleep and go exploring. And we see all the things to see

And we buy stuff talk

A month later

Ya are on the jet going back to atlanta

Usher so how are we going to tell the world that were married

Faith maybe we can announce it on ellen

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