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Meeting Toph's parents was distressing for Zuko. Lao, her dad, quavered around the Fire Lord, while Poppy, Toph's mom, avoided interacting with him one-on-one. Even so, they invited him to unwind from the trip for as long as he needed, accommodating him in the guest chamber across Toph's bedroom. Consequently, the Beifongs revealed they'd be hosting the Hisakis and their son within a couple of days, which motivated Zuko to stay over for awhile.

The night before the big dinner, a visitor knocked on Zuko's door, and he was pleasantly surprised to find Toph standing on the other side.

"Toph? What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in? I don't want to be alone right now."

"Of course," said Zuko, stepping aside to let her through. "Wanna talk about it?"

Toph bided in silence. Consumed with anxiety, she slid onto the bed out of an unconscious draw to rest, her short legs dangling over the side of the frame. Abstractedly, her fingers fiddled with each other, and she inspected the creases of her palms in an attempt to distract herself from what the following day held for her; it didn't work.

Next to her, Zuko sat down and held onto her fidgeting hands, which pried her from her spiraling thoughts. She faced him but remained quiet.

"We don't have to talk," Zuko assured her. "But I'm here."

His consolation compelled her to lean into him and bury her face into his warm chest, and even though Zuko was caught off by Toph's sentimental reaction, he cordially wrapped his long arms around her.

"I feel so stupid," she cried.

"What are you talking about?" he asked with noticeable concern.

"I've lived my whole life breaking the rules," she said. "From escaping my parents' authority, to literally defying the laws of bending. And now? I'm submitting to an arranged marriage. I want to protect my family, but I don't recognize myself anymore. How can I go through with something that is detrimental to me?"

"I don't know," Zuko admitted after some consideration. "I followed the rules my whole life. I thought that meant I was a good person, someone who would make his family proud." Memories of chasing validation evoked resentment, but Zuko had a point to make. "It wasn't until I joined Aang and your team that I felt like myself. And not only did I regain my uncle's respect by fighting alongside the Avatar, I also finally tasted genuine honor."

Zuko's courage to reveal his vulnerabilities sparked Toph's admiration. She'd been aware of his general background, but this was the first time he personally shed light on the matter. Suddenly, she no longer saw just an ordinary friend in him; she regarded him as a noble figure she now wanted to impress, and that wasn't a common tendency for her.

This inspired her to kiss him.

Her impromptu affection shocked Zuko, and his eyes widened in muddling awe. Was Toph acting out of legitimate endearment or in an emotional protest? And was that passion he felt for her, or was he confusing reverence as something else?  He didn't know whether to lean into the bond or to investigate the blurred intentions.

When Toph sensed Zuko's stiffness, she withdrew abruptly and gasped at her insolence. Ashamed, she masked her lips with her fingers as if concealing a dangerous weapon from firing.

"I shouldn't have done that," she said before fleeing.

"Toph!" Zuko called after her; he wanted to comfort her from apparent embarrassment.

But she was too quick, locking herself in her room before he could grab her. Zuko didn't pressure Toph. Instead, he listened for any prospect of her coming back outside but returned to his own when conspicuous stillness ensued.

UNFORESEEN RELATIONS (Toph x Zuko ATLA Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now