The Bake Sale

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"Okay, people, I've brought you here for one reason, and one reason only."

Macy stood at the head of the dining room table, hands gripping the back of the chair, while her sisters sat in their usual seats, neither of them paying much attention. Mel was furiously working through a stack of test papers, while Maggie was reading a book on "Balancing Your Chakra."

"Mel? Maggie?" Macy sighed when neither of her sisters looked up. She blinked at Maggie's book and the cover snapped shut, causing Maggie to drop the book in surprise. Another blink aimed at Mel's red pen spun the writing implement from her hand. It flew across the room and landed in a potted plant.

"Hey!" Mel yelled.

"Can we focus?"

Mel opened her mouth to object, but Maggie planted her hands on the table, one towards Mel, the other towards Macy. A barrier between their frequently opposite energies.

"Yes," Maggie said, her gaze directed toward Mel. The older sister closed her mouth and sat back silently. Maggie turned to Macy. "We're listening."

Macy nodded in thanks. "Okay. The bake sale is today."

"That's what this big, important meeting is about?" Mel asked, narrowing her eyes at the plant holding her grading pen hostage.

"Aw, Rosie's first bake sale!" Maggie said at the same time.

Macy chose to ignore Mel's comment and continued on. "Yes, exactly. It's really important to her. And to me."

Mel's face softened. "How can we help?"

Macy smiled and sat down. "I need ideas. Everything I come up with has just seemed too over the top and too expensive. Sure, it's for charity, but I don't want to break the bank."

"What are they fundraising?" Mel asked. Her interest was piqued.

"It's a local community clean-up and recycling center."

"Aw, my little sobrina's first charity event," Mel said. She paused. "I just wish it wasn't based around something as sexist as a bake sale. Are they requiring the male parents to bake as well, or just the mothers?"

"You know, I didn't ask." Before Mel could say anything else, Macy said, "So. Ideas?"

"Sugar cookies?" Maggie suggested.

Macy shook her head. "Gives me Harbie flashbacks." She shuddered.

"Rum cake?" Mel offered.

"They're five."


"Oh!" Maggie exclaimed. "You can never go wrong with cupcakes!"

"With pink and purple frosting," Mel added.

"Her favorite colors," Macy said with a smile. "It's perfect. Thank you."

"Do you need any help shopping?" Maggie asked. She pulled out her phone and looked at the time. "I don't have to meet Jordan for lunch til noon."

"I would appreciate that, thanks."

"I would go, too, but I have papers to grade." Mel glanced pointedly at the stack in front of her. "Can I have my pen back now?"

Macy nodded and flicked her hand, the pen flying back to Mel, who took it, gathered up her papers, and left.

"Good luck!" she shouted over her shoulder.

"So," Maggie said, turning to Macy with a grin. "What are you going to wear?"

Macy laughed and the two sisters walked arm in arm to the kitchen.

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