Chapter 1

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~Draco’s POV~

“Won’t we get caught?” Hermione whispers.

“No one’s awake to catch us. Trust me.” I smile.

“I do, with all my heart.”

I smile and pull her into my arms. She fits perfectly and I kiss her passionately. Right now, she’s everything to me. No one knows and that’s just how I like it. Hermione’s with me and no one else. That’s what I love about her. Even though everyone would flip if they found out about us, she still loves me. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love her just as much. Smiling, we lie on the grass and lose ourselves in each other.

I shake my head and turn my attention to the Dark Lord. He’s explaining how we’re going to try and get Potter at the Weasley wedding. All I can think is that I have to be the one to give him Potter. After my failure last year, I have to get my family back on good terms with him. If I don’t he might kill me or my parents. Mentally shaking my head, I go to my room as we’re dismissed.

I lie on my bed and don’t even bother trying to sleep. I’ve tried to sleep the past few nights, but I’ve been haunted by a certain girl. She toyed with me and I’ll be damned if she doesn’t pay for it. Right now, I don’t love her. I hate her with every fiber of my being. She made me look like a fool! She played me and more importantly she broke what was left of my heart. Now I’m just as cold hearted as my father and I hate her for that more than anything. She made me like this. She made me everything I never wanted to be. It’s all her fault and I will make sure she pays for it! Angry, I close my eyes and try to rid myself of those awful memories.

“I can’t stay with you, Draco.” She whispers as we lay naked under a blanket beside the Black Lake.

“What?” I gasp.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t be with you Draco.”

“You’re… breaking up with me?”

“Yes. I am.”

I look at her gather her clothes, put them on and then just walk away. My heart stops and I clench my chest. The pain is threatening to rip a whole right through my chest. Tears start to fall from my eyes, but I brush them away angrily. How dare she do this to me?! Haven’t I been good enough for her? Haven’t I loved her when that pathetic Weasel wouldn’t? I’ll make her pay for toying with me! For getting under my skin and making me love her! She’ll pay for hurting me!

I shake my head and harden myself. The wedding is tomorrow and I need to be ready to get Potter. Once the others have taken over the Ministry and killed the Minister then I’ll go to the wedding and apprehend Potter and his friends too if I get the chance. Smiling I cross my arms behind my head. Tomorrow I’ll finally be able to get the revenge I’ve been waiting for. I’ll also be back in good standing with the Dark Lord. After tomorrow, everything will be as it should be. Everything will be normal again. As normal as my life can be.

~Hermione’s POV~

“Are you okay?” Ginny asks from the other side of the room.

“I’m fine.” I lie.

“Are you sure about that?”


I stare at the ceiling and listen as she rolls over and goes to sleep. The wedding is tomorrow and I can’t sleep. This just gets better and better. Ever since I left him there by the Black Lake, Draco has been in my every thought and dream. It’s actually really annoying. All I want to do is forget about him, but unfortunately I can’t. He was and still is everything to me. He probably hates me though. After all I just left him there and didn’t even explain. Maybe I should have, but maybe its better this way.

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