Chapter 2

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~Draco’s POV~

I stare outside of the manor’s protecting charms with several other Death Eaters. We’re waiting the signal that the Ministry has fallen before we go storming into the Weasley wedding. Waiting seems like a waste to me, but the Dark Lord seems to think that someone will warn the wedding party about the ministry’s demise. Maybe everyone will be too afraid to do anything and my job will be easier. After all, all I need to do is get Potter and get out. The others will search for his friends once I’m gone.

A couple Death Eaters apparate in front of us and we leave. It’s time to go get Potter and the loathsome woman who broke my heart. I almost wish that it was her I had to get and not bloody Potter. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord wants Potter and he isn’t really bothered with the mudblood. She’ll be a nice prize if I get her too though. If I brought in the whole trio, I’d be deeply rewarded. The Dark Lord might even make me his right hand.

We land in the middle of the party. Spells start flying and people are apparating every second. I stand on a table and look for the trio. My eyes find the red hair of Weasley. He’s next to the mudblood and another red head. They huddle together and I see the mudblood pull out her wand. Furious, I send a spell their direction but she easily blocks it. Before I know it, the trio is gone and I’m blown backwards by a spell. Cursing that dirty little mudblood, I apparate back to the manor to tell the Dark Lord that I failed him once again.


“What?!?!?!” the Dark Lord shouts.

“They apparated before I could apprehend them, my lord.” I say trying to look strong, but not strong enough to seem like I’m independent.

The Dark Lord waves me away and starts pacing. I take my leave and hurry up to my bedroom. As soon as the door closes behind me, I punch the whole. My knuckles protests, but I don’t stop. She was so close and I couldn’t get her! Yet again, she slipped away from me like the snake she is. After all of the planning and all of the preparing, she still got away. On my honor as a Malfoy, I swear that I will get them and I will make her pay. She won’t get away with what she did!

Furious, I lie down on my bed and start to plan my next trap for the trio. I’m not completely sure how to catch them, but I’m not past the point of hurting anyone. I’ll do anything to make her pay. I’ve become hard enough that hurting people doesn’t bother me anymore. I am way past the point of feelings. She ruined the last bit of me that had any form of emotion. Now I’m just as cold and as uncaring as my father, the one person I never wanted to be like.

“Stupid girl!” I shout.

She ruined me! She had made me soft and then she took advantage of me and crushed my heart. The Draco Malfoy that she knew doesn’t exist anymore. Now I’m just a cold blooded killer and I don’t care who I hurt as long as I get to make her pay. When I catch that blasted trio, I’ll ask the Dark Lord to let me deal with her. If I bring them in, he’ll let me have the opportunity. I’ll be able to torture her and make her hurt as badly as she hurt me. Nothing could satisfy me more.

“Draco!” The Dark Lord shouts.

I run down the stairs and halt in front of him. He looks me over and it almost looks like he’s proud of what I’ve become. Frankly I don’t care if he’s proud. As long as I get what I want in the end, I’ll do whatever he asks. All I want is the girl that crushed me and turned me into this monster I am now. She will pay for what she has made me. I will not let her get away again.

“Someone has used my name. Go teach them a lesson.” The Dark Lord says.

“Yes, My Lord.” I respond before apparating to the location of the intruders.

~Hermione’s POV~

I look around and make sure that no one followed us. The encounter with the two Death Eaters had been a close one. Now we’re standing in front of number 12 Grimmauld Place and I know that we should be safe. However, I feel anything but right now. Something is wrong and I’m not sure what. Shaking my head, I follow Harry across the street to the house.

“What’s wrong Hermione?” Ron asks.

“Nothing.” I lie.


It’s so easy for him to believe me. Draco would have kept me in place until I told him the truth. I never lied to him because he could always get me to tell him the truth. Shaking my head, I start to follow Ron into the house. I’m almost inside the door when someone pulls me back, covers my mouth and apparates us away. If I could scream I would, but I don’t cry out until we’ve landed in an unfamiliar place.

I look up and see a huge manor in front of me. The realization of where I am hits me and I start to crawl backwards, only to run into a pair of sturdy legs. Looking up, I meet his steely gray eyes. There’s no more love in them. All I see is burning hatred and honestly it scares me. I’m still staring at him when Draco grabs my arm and lifts me up roughly. He tightens grip on my arm making me cry out in pain. He just starts walking forwards.

I struggle against his grip, knowing that if he gets me inside I’ll be killed for certain. The look in his eyes tells me that he doesn’t have a problem with me dying. As I struggle against his grip, he only gets rougher. More than once, I cry out against his tight grip. It actually seems to satisfy him and I can’t help but wonder what happened to the person I fell in love with. It’s obvious that this isn’t him. This boy is someone that I’ve never seen before and I’m more afraid of him than Voldemort himself.

“Draco, please. Let’s talk.” I try to appeal to him.

“I don’t talk to lying little mudbloods.” Draco spits.

I cower slightly from the venom in his voice. Did our break up really do this to him? Is this what he has become? Have I really turned him into a monster? As I continue to struggle against his grip, we get closer to the manor. The closer we get, the harder I fight him. It’s then that I remember that I have my wand. I’m desperate, so I pull my wand out and burn his hand wear it’s gripping my arm. Draco yells in pain, but quickly disarms me. His eyes are distant and he looks like he’s ready to kill me.

“Do it.”

The voice sends chills down my spine. I watch as Voldemort walks over to Draco, putting a hand on his shoulder like a proud father would. It makes me sick, but what’s worse is that I can see Draco considering it. He looks at Voldemort almost like he’s asking permission. I’m shocked when Voldemort nods and Draco doesn’t hesitate.

“Crucio!” he shouts.

I cry out in pain as my body starts to writhe from the curse. Nothing compares to this amount of pain. Not even losing Draco hurt this much. It feels like I’m losing him a thousand times over and being stabbed at the same time. Even though the pain is enough to kill, what really does the trick is the satisfied smirk on his face. He ends the curse just as I hear a loud pop. Before I know it, Ron and Harry are looking over me with worry and concern etched on their faces. Their concerned faces are the last thing I see before everything goes black.

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