Larray and Brady

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After many request here it is the Larrayand Brady smut 💕Also a little background they don't know each other in the story in the beginning okay let's begin 💅💕

Larray is in Starbucks and sees this hot ass guy working as a barista his name Brady Potter they lock eyes for just a moment until Larray looks away Brady Grins as he walks over to Larray's table where Larray is editing a new video Brady:Hey cutie haven't seen you around what's your name or better yet what's your snap 😘 Larray:*laughs* It's Larray and here's my snap *gives snap* they start to talk and get to know each other before Brady goes back on duty Brady: it was nice talking to you while it lasted Larray:cya around Brady:k cya. Goes back to being a barista while Larray finishes editing when Larry's done ways to Brady and hopsiness car and goes back home Larray burst through the front door where Ravon and Mario were in the kitchen Larray:RAVON MARIO Ravon and Mario:what? Larray I just saw the most hottest guy I've ever seen working at a Starbucks he should be on the cover of a instead Ravon: That means it's to good to be true I am going to guess that he is straight and and a player Larray: He isn't like that I just feel it Ravon: whatever you say *Larray's phone rings* Larray: one moment Larray answer the phone call to hear Brady on the other end (basically Brady invited Larray to party that he's having for his 21st birthday and he also says that Larray can bring friends okay done) Larray obviously agrees and runs to Mario and Ravon to tell them the plans to look hot as shit to get boyfriends that night (the night of the party) Larray Mario and Ravon take a limo to this........ 

Helloooo bicths I am loving the support on the book series love you all💕💅💕

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