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Saturday, 4:30pm

"Yours don't gotta look like mine Ada. Make it look how you want it to look." Amare tried to explain to Adaliyah.

"I want it to look like that." She pointed at his. The two were in her backyard for the day. He made her watch him draw a rose and then made her try. He made it clear that they didn't have to look alike.

Adaliyah was stressing herself out because she wanted to make hers look just like his after she heard him say it didn't have too multiple times.

"Call down. Lemme help you." He said once she started to throw a mini fit. "Yours is neat." She complained.

"I just said I was gonna help you." I said and sat next to her.

"See you was throwing fits when it really easy."

"Whatever. What's your favorite Halloween movie?" She asked.

"The nightmare before Christmas."

"I love that movie. It's so versatile." She said and Amare laughed. "What's funny?" She asked.

"How's it versatile?"

"Because you can watch it on Christmas or Halloween. Use your thinking cap." She said.

"Why you choose 4:30? You know it get dark early now." He said.

"I wake up late. Plus it's a Saturday." She lied. Adaliyah has to do chemo today and she was gonna be available at this time.

"You be lying yo ass off." He said and her face went straight.

"I—Okay. I do be lying but I did wake up late." She lied again.

"Jesus." Amare rubber his forehead. He wasn't mad. He just wanted to know what she had to lie about.

"Don't be mad. It's just—your nose bleeding." He cut her off.

Adaliyah sucked her teeth. Out of all times this could've happened, it had to happen now.

"I'll be back." She jumped up before rushing to the bathroom.

"Girl what's wrong?" Her grandma asked.

"Nosebleed." She said as she held her head back.

"In front of the boy. Out of all times?"

"That's what I said." She sighed.


"Chase a bag nigga stop worrying about what I'm doing." Bakari said while walking down his steps. He was going to Adaliyah's house because he was bored.

It didn't take him that long because he was riding his bike, something he never really did.

"That's a lot of blood." He said as he watched Iris panic.

"Is it getting worse?" He asked Adaliyah.

"Yea kinda." She said with her head back.

Bakari couldn't even imagine the type of pain she felt. He could see it in her eyes and it hurt him because he felt like he takes his life and freedom for granted.

Before he met her and saw what she was going through he didn't give a fuck about life. He did what he wanted without thinking about the consequences.

After Adaliyah, he started to realize that there are people less fortunate than him. He got to go outside every single day. He couldn't imagine being in a house 24/7 like she did.

He even started praying for her.

He never prayed, never even thought about having a talk with god.

After sitting and having a conversation with Adaliyah, she told him that she talked to god everyday, hoping and praying that she'd be blessed with a little more time.

Since that conversation he's been praying every since.

"Your doing a good job at staying calm." He rubbed her back.

"I would've threw a fit if it was me." He said causing a small chuckle to escape from her lips.

"I can finish this for you. What ever colors you want." Amare held up the picture he helped her draw.

"I wanna paint it. I'll get this under control just give me a minute." She for up and walked to the bathroom.

"What you doing here?" Amare asked.

"Nigga what you doing here?!" Bakari asked.

"Obviously painting hoe duh." Amare said and Bakari laughed.

After a few minutes, Adaliyah finally returned and was ready to finish painting.

"You joining us?" She asked Bakari.

Another thing he liked about her. She never wanted to count him out.

Even though he's low key playing wingman.

"Imma sit on the sidelines." He said and they made their way to the backyard.


"Y'all can stay for dinner. I cooked too much." Adaliyah's grandma said.

"I sure will." Bakari made his way to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"It's cool." Amare held his hands up.

"Why not? You think her foods gonna be nasty." Adaliyah put her hands on her hips.

"You tryna guilt trip me?"


"I'll stay." He chuckled before going to wash his hands.

"She cooked the fuck out of this spaghetti." Bakari smiled.

"You are so greedy." Adaliyah laughed and they sat at the dinner table.


"I'll see you guys later." Adaliyah smiled and stood at the door.

The boys waved before going their separate ways.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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