Chapter 4

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~Person of Interest: The One Who's Showing Interest In Greek...Or Should I Say, Greek Girls~

Piper left the next afternoon, just as she said, and one hour later, I was in the Big House with Jason, helping him with Greek roots.

"See, it's easy once you get the hang of it." I said after about thirty minutes.

"I still like Latin better."

I laughed, "I hated Latin. It was the worst!"

He laughed, making me do the same. And somewhere in our laughter, I had scooted closed to him. He looked down at me, making me look away.

" you want to try-" I started. He extended his hands, gently placing them on my jaw and bringing my lips to his, my hair covering my eyes.

You know how people say there's a 'spark' when you kiss someone? They say it metaphorically, I am being dead serious when I say, there was a literal spark, making my lips almost go numb. It was different.

I pulled away from his, not wanting to meet his gaze.

" think I get the whole Greek roots thing." he said, shifting in his seat.

"Great! We can just end the lesson today. I'll see you tomorrow."

With a smirk that I tried to hide, I threw the books onto the shelf as I tried to dash out the door, but my wrist was gripped, and I was spun around into another 'sparking' kiss.

The mental check mark went off, number two was marked, three and four were next.

Who knew this would be so easy?

I broke away for air, my forehead touching his,

"No wonder Piper calls you Sparky." I smirked, bitting my bottom lip. I grabbed the door knob, which was pressing against my lower back, and slid out the door. I smirked at myself, knowing that things were finally starting to pick up with my List.


I could see purple shirts cloaking everyone. They all read the same as mine,


Camp Jupiter

Sanfransico, California

I walked towards a temple, the temple of Jupiter, and saw a few other campers reading off of old papers. A scrawney, pale blonde boy about my age stood in the corner next to an alter of fire, thowing in dismembered teddy bear parts.

"Hello, Octavian," I mused. He turned to me and scowled,

"Daughter of Venus."

I rolled my eyes, "Do you just forget my name every time I speak to you? I'm assuming you simply go off my gender and look at the seashell and heart on my arm,"

He rolled his eyes back in responce, "Fine, hello Car-oline."

I shuttered. I hated when people pronounced my name 'Car-oline.' It's Care-oline.

"It's Caroline." I muttered.

He laughed at himself, "What do you want, I'm busy."

He drew his knife and stabbed at a small bear, "I actually came to tell you something," I glanced over to see the other campers turn the corner to leave the temple, "I'm going to the other camp. I'm not Roman." my voice had dropped in the hopes of no one hearing me.

I could see him look around me to see if the others had gone, "You're not Roman? What are you talking about?"

"Jason brought that Rachael Dare girl to camp yesterday, she said I was Greek, then a bright pink heart started floating above my head."

He looked shocked, "Why didn't anyone notice?"

"I don't know. I don't want to leave, but Jason wants me to try out reading Greek and go to Camp Half-Blood for a while. If I'm more comfortable there, I won't be coming back."

One Just Isn't Enough (A PJO/HoO Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now