Assassin vs Villains

605 16 14

I'm gonna refer to koro-sensei as his real name.


It has been 10 years since the events of the previous chapters a lot has happened.

1. Y/N developed an A.I to help him with his assassinations, he called it Ritsu.

2. Y/N has completed over 120 assassinations in the course of 2 years. In the 1st year he only assassinated low thugs or crime bosses. But in the scond year is where he truly shined killing famous people and other goverment oficials.

3. He has taken the mantle of Reaper

4. Ryushi told Y/N the cons of being an assassin, which include being wanted highly by the government and ministry of defense. Y/N accepted those terms because he chose this path in life

5. He has been home schooled which means he hasn't been into any public school, except for that 1 time where he had to assassinate the principal of a school.

6. He has mastered all the skills of an assassin that his father had thought him including some special one's that he developed by himself

7. He slowly brought the reaper's popularity back afloat. People started to get scared moreand heroes were on double watch.

Now Y/N was jumping from roof to roof as he finished an assassination.

Y/N : Man the target was strong, damn client better pay me extra.

While Y/N was sprinting and explosion was heard and took out his earpiece to talk to ritsu

Y/N : Ritsu what happened ?

Ritsu : It seems a fight between villains and heroes took place at USJ

Y/N : Ohh, meh not my problem

Ritsu : It seems there are also students from U.A present

Y/N : THe heroes will take care of it

Ritsu : The only heroes present are Eraserhead and Thirteen

Y/N : Meh, They'll be fine if it's just some low villains

Ritsu : The heroes are both critically injured with a villains which appears to have a strength quirk are headed to murder the students

Y/N : You're doing this on purpose aren't you

Ritsu : You read my mind Y/N hehe

Y/N : well it's not my job to save them anyway. I'm an assassin that's a hero's job

Ritsu : Did you not hear a word i just said ?, the students are about to get murdered

Y/N : Well if you look at it from my point of view, if they die that means less heroes will debut, that means in the future less heroes will appear, that means i can continue my assassinations without worry. Not that i actually worry though

Ritsu : You sound like a villain Y/N not an assassin. Besides if you do help them i found a client for you that needs an assassin. And let me tell you it pays well.

Y/N : You should have started with that. Let's go

Y/N then sprinted to the usj climbing onto the roof to get a better point of view, currently the students were healing one another while eraser head was passed out about to be killed

Y/N : All right ritsu hack into the security system and kill the lights

(In the USJ)

The students were helpless lida had gone to U.A to call for help however none has arrived

Assassin in a quirked world (Male reader x bnha x assassination classroom)Where stories live. Discover now