Chapter 1

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I washed the last dish and set it aside. There! Finally done. I arched my back to ease out the cramps that I'm sure will feel during the night as I undid the threadbare apron around me. It has become a habit that I rarely go by a day without feeling pain anymore. Pain, my constant companion.

I checked the clock hanging in the diner's kitchen. It's past 8 pm. An hour over my checkout time. Oh no! Mandy wouldn't like babysitting Alan longer than expected.

Alan, my two-year-old son. Though he is just a baby he has seen his fair share of difficulties. Life is cruel when you are poor. Add on to that Alan's health doesn't always allow him to enjoy the life as it is.

Her baby has hearing problem; which happened due to her complex pregnancy. Because of which people often mistake him as a naughty child. He is not naughty. No. Her baby is precious. Only, he couldn't hear properly, couldn't hear the frustration or anger in the people's voice.

If Mandy also backs away from babysitting Alan, I don't know what I would do. With my meager salary, it is hard enough to bring up a child with health issues. Not to forget rent, groceries and doctor fees.

And the state is of no help as I'm a foreigner. Though Alan is born here, I don't have necessary documents that will help me provide the aid from the state. If only his father was alive.

I swiftly wiped the tear that trickled down my cheek. Thoughts of Dante always does that to me. That's a different life Natalie, nothing will come out of it, I reprimanded myself.

I swiftly washed my hands under the running water and threw the folded apron haphazardly on the counter and walked out of the kitchen to meet Charlie.

Charlie is the owner of this dingy diner where I work as a dishwasher. At one point in my life I don't know which utensils are used for what. I was that ignorant.

But life has a way to teach everything. And fate had made sure I learned how to use utensils, how to clean them. This is my life now. It was not the case before. Once my life was a dream that no ordinary girl would have expected. Now...

I shoved the dark thoughts that would always achieve to bring my mood down to the darkest corner of my mind.

I wiped my hands on my worn jeans twice before approaching Charlie. He is not a slime like some of those diners I used to work. Nor is he generous like I used to read in the novels once.

He is indifferent to my situation. After seeing many such cases with people having no dime to their name, barely scraping to eat, Charlie started to care less. Life does that to you.

I shuffled my feet, not knowing how to ask this but I have to. I have no choice.

"Charlie," I mumbled as I wet my dry lips. I swiped my clammy palms once again on my jeans and called him louder.

"Ya," Charlie asked carelessly as he drank the beer from his can.

"I... I need some money," I whispered, afraid if I raised my voice he might think it as a demand.

"Money? I gave you just two weeks ago," he scoffed.

I wet my dry lips, clasping my hands before me and pleaded, "yes, yes, you have. And I'm so grateful for that. But Alan is having some issues. I'm afraid his infection has come back. I need to take him to the hospital. Could you..." I hardened my heart and begged, "could you please give me $150?"

"$150! That's outrageous. You want an advance without work? What do you think I'm? A saint? I haven't opened a charity house here. You work, you get paid. If you have any problem with that, you are always free to leave. There are people a dime a dozen who are unemployed," he glared at me as if I have asked for a share in his property.

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