[1.7] "NOTED."

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[1.7] "NOTED."

FREYA WOKE UP IN AN UNFAMILIAR PLACE. She was lying down on a sofa and sunlight was streaming in from the windows, making Freya flinch from the sudden brightness. Freya let her eyes adjust as she sat up on the sofa. She looked out the window. She was in a tall building as she could  see the New York Skyline, but Freya didn't know where.

She couldn't remember what happened to her until she began to massage the headache that was pulsing painfully at her skull. SHe had been hit on the head with the end of a gun. On Loki's command. Then she remembered the rest of the day, but she had time to grieve when she heard his voice.

"I see that you are awake."

Freya breathed in heavily, but nothing was stopping the anger boiling inside her at the sound of that man's voice. Loki was a few feet in front of her wearing his usual attire of green, gold and black. His ebony hair was still slicked back, the scepter was still in his hands.

His existence made Freya's blood boil. Freya impulsively leapt from the sofa and ran as fast as her legs could take her towards Loki, but Loki was faster. He sidestepped her attack and hit her square in the back with the scepter. Freya broke her fall with her arms.

Freya rolled onto her back and faced Loki. He stood tall, the point of the scepter close to her face as he looked down at her with the menacing look in his eyes that no longer made her terrified. Her eyes burned with fury upon looking at him. "I will make you pay for what you've done. I know you want my help, that you think I'd make a powerful ally in your path to power, that I need your help. I don't." Freya sneered.   

"Are you done?" He asked her, his blue eyes burning back into hers.

"Never," Spat Freya. "As long as you plan to keep me around I will make your life hell."

Freya growled and tried to get back up but Loki kicked her in the chest. The oxygen from Freya's lungs disappeared and she gasped for air as she fell back to the floor. More pain exploded in her head when she felt herself being pulled across the floor.

Freya summoned her fire and grabbed onto Loki's wrist. Loki swiftly let go of her and snarled, slapping her hard across the face. Freya's head snapped to the left and she felt a trickle of blood down her chin. Freya recovered quick and went to deliver a punch to his abdomen but her fist went through Loki.

Freya froze in confusion which let Loki get the upper hand in the fight. He materalised behind her and kicked her in the back. Freya couldn't break her fall this time, her head colliding with the floor. The world began to spin for Freya. She felt weak. The pain in her head increased as it stabbed her skull. Freya fought against the blackness that tried to invade her vision.

"I won't let you win." Freya croaked as she watched Loki walk away.

Loki stopped in his tracks. He gave a low chuckle as he slowly turned around to face Freya. It only took him a few steps to get in front of her and crouched down to her level, his smug smile sketched on his face."How are you going to stop me?"

"Sheer persistence and a little bit of stubborness."

Freya managed a defiant smile. Loki's features grew dark and he stood up. Loki didn't say anything as he brought his his foot up and kicked, the blackness that Freya was trying to avoid invaded and her world turned to black.


Freya's eye flew open. The light causing her to flinch, but soon her eyes adjusted and she surveyed her surroundings. She was exactly where she was before, except this time she was sitting on a chair. Freya went to stand up, but she couldn't. She turned around and felt the ropes tied around her wrists. 'This is just great,' Freya thought to herself. Freya struggled against the ropes, but when it grew useless Freya slumped in the chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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