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FREYA WAS ALONE IN THE SILENT DARKNESS. There was very little light, and despite the darkness she could only just make out a rocky landscape by squinting. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up at the sight of the place. Freya didn't even know how she got here. One minute she was dreaming about a really hot guy rubbing sunscreen on her back, then the next minute she was here.


The voice was soft, masculine and taunting and made her skin crawl from fright. Freya searched her surroundings. There was no one there. "Who are you! What do you want?" Freya yelled to the mysterious voice, as she frantically searched around her.

The man's laugh filled the air like a gush of cold wind. "I am Loki, of Asgard, and I want you."

"Loki? Like the God? No way, man." Freya chuckled until she  heard a loud bang from behind her, making Freya spin around swiftly, eyes wide but there was nothing but darkness there.

"Listen here, Freya." Loki hissed her name in her ear, making her jump away and trip over her own feet. Freya rolled over and faced towards where his voice came from, her face flushed from embarrassment. There was still only an immense darkness, but in front of Freya there was only one tiny, bright blue glow. That small light was all she needed to be able to see the man hiding in the shadows.

He stood there towering over her. His face was partly covered in the shadows, but Freya could see his brooding blue-green eyes piercing down at her from the bridge of his nose. On his head he wore a menacing looking golden horned helmet and underneath his helmet his raven hair was slicked back and reached his shoulders. He seemed to be wearing green and black armour with real gold attached. In his hand was a pointed sceptre looking weapon and in the centre was a gem where the bright blue light was emitting from.

Loki looked frightening and intimidating as he turned the sceptre in his hand and brought the sharp point slowly to Freya's face. Freya started breathing heavier in panic as the point slowly slid across her cheekbone. Freya felt uncomfortable and  didn't understand what was happening or what this was. She just wanted to wake up. Realising this was just a dream, she suddenly found her courage and said, "What do you want from me?"

"Dear, dear Freya. I need your help. You see, I know your little secret that you try so desperately to hide from everyone," Loki smiled sickeningly at her. Her heart started racing. "I know about your powers."

Freya's heart skipped a beat. How would he know? Had he been watching her? She tired extra hard to conceal her powers. She didn't like using them in front of people because she feared what they would think. That's why the only people who knew were her dad, her boyfriend Brody and her two best friends; Maddie and Tyler.

Freya shook her head. This is just a dream.

"I know about the times you accidentally set the gym on fire. I also know about your power to conjure a force field or be able to hear or speak into others minds- well, when you can," He gave her a power hungry look. "You are perfect for what I need. You have  power in your veins. I can help you harness it and the price for doing so is that you will help me. You will become my Apprentice of sorts."

Freya growled at him, "I won't help you."

Loki's eyes darkened, anger taking over. Freya knew that he was just trying to use her by convincing her that he was going to help her but really he would just be abusing her power for his own benefit. "Oh, you will," He stated with authority, digging the point of the sceptre dig further into the skin of Freya's cheek. "Or else, you will never know about the disappearance of your mother."

Ember [AVENGERS SAGA]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang