007 Emily

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I walk downstairs seeing Connor at the door, Chris laying on the ground and Anna hovering over him crying. "Connor what are you doing here?" I ask. "I need to talk to you." he has his hands in fist. I walk outside him following behind me. "y/n, I need a place to stay. I ripped off a few people and they know all the rest of the people I deal to all except you. Can I stay with you?" he asked holding my cold hand in his warm one. "Not here, they don't like you here. You can go back to my place, just wait out here I need my clothes." I pat his face walking back in. "Why are you crying?" I asked Vinnie, he points to the girl in the back seat of Connor's car. Emily. "Your ex?" I ask, he nods his head. I slip on some sweats going into the bedroom Aaron was in. He is sitting on the bed looking at me. "I have to go help my friend." I said putting my hands in his hair. "Ok, stay safe." he smiled. I pecked his lips putting on my shoes and walking out. "Wait, wear my sweater that one has like blood on it." Aaron rips off his sweater and throws it at me. I take mine off showing my bathing suit top, I put on his sweater and walk away. "Bye, Vinnie. I'll text you later." I hug Vinnie who is on the counter and walk outside. 

"We need to take my car. If someone was looking for you they would know your car." I said. Emily gets out holding his hand. "Who is she?" I ask Connor. "My girlfriend." he said. "I only have room for one of yall. Who are they looking for? You or her?" I ask. "Me. They are looking for me." Connor said. "Ok, then only you can come. I'm sorry." I shrug my shoulders. I feel the pit in my stomach grow and I toss in his duffel bag into my SUV. "Emily, go home." he said tossing her the keys. "But baby-" "Stop whining, I'll see you later." he said. 

When we get to the apartment, he takes down all the blinds and sits down on the couch. "Y/n, would you be a doll and get me a water bottle? Please?" he asked taking off his black boots. I nod my head getting him a cold bottle from the fridge. "What happened?" I asked. "I got debt with some bad people, they gave me a deadline and I couldn't meet it." he shrugged. "How much do you owe?" I sit next to him leaning back on the couch, he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it." he pats my head kissing it lightly. I look up at him staring into his eyes. "Is it over $100,000? I need you to know because I don't want men showing up to my house asking for something I can't deliver." I said sighing into his shoulder. "It's $18,000." he said. I sigh and shake my head. "Can we go to sleep now?" I ask. "Sure." he stands up, I just sit there. He turns around as I stick my arms out. "Please?" I ask. He smiles and picks me up, I nuzzle into his shoulder wrapping my legs around him. I always felt comfortable around Connor, he was my best friend. He places one arm on my waist and one arm under my bottom. He scratches my back as we go up the stairs. "Y/n, can I ask you something?" he said laying me down, still on top of me. "Yeah what's up?" I ask. "I love you y/n. Your so good to me. Are you single?" he said smiling. "I love you too, and i am single but you aren't." I laugh nervously. "Oh don't worry about Emily, she will take me back in a second." he said. "Connor, I think we should just go to sleep." with that he grows frustrated. "Can't you see y/n? I am the one who will always love you! Ever since I met you when you were 16 trying to bum weed off of me, I loved you!" he said sitting next to me. "Connor, I didn't know you felt this way." I sit up. He looks at me and grabs my face lightly, he leans in kissing me softly. It felt like the first time at the gas station. I pull away staring into his eyes. "What about Emily?" I ask. "Don't worry about it." he kisses me again harsher this time. He puts his hand on my waist tracing along my pant seams. We are making out for a while until my door bell dings. I walk downstairs looking out of the peephole, I see Devyn. "Go away." I yell through the door. "I need my backpack." she yells back. I run upstairs grabbing the backpack and throw it out the door. "Leave." I yell.

I walk into my bedroom seeing Connor passed out on my bed. I chuckle and lay next to him facing the wall. I toss and turn for a couple minutes until Connor grabs my waist pulling me to him, I put my head under his chin as he rubs my back and stomach. "Goodnight baby." he whispered. "Goodnight." I smile.  An hour later, right after I fall asleep his phone rings. "Hey baby, no I slept in a different room. Okay babe, I know. You can't, Emily don't. Yes baby. I love you. There is no need. Do not come here." he said. I sit up and walk to the bathroom looking at the scratches. I remember how Aaron was so delicate with me, how he didn't try to pull anything until I let him. I remember his hands in my hair, his lips connecting to mine all of this making me blush. "What are you blushing about?" Connor said washing his hands. "Nothing. It's just hot in here." I lied. I hear my doorbell ring seeing Emily outside. "What do you want?" I ask opening the door. "Move whore." she pushes me out of the way walking upstairs. "Where is he?" she asked. "Where I who?" I ask dumbfound. "Connor trick ass hoe."  she crosses her arms. "First of all don't disrespect me in my own damn house and second of all in the bathroom." I shrug my shoulders, she runs back upstairs Connor following behind. "Why was he in your bedroom?" she asked holding his hand. "Why don't you ask him?" I ask drinking my water. "Baby lets go." Emily said. "No Em, I have to stay here." he said. "We are leaving." she walks out him following behind her. I watch them leave and I flop on the couch grabbing my phone. Aaron texted me.


Can you come to the hotel? Some shit popped off at the house so Vin and I left.

OK I'm on my way. We need to talk when I get there.

I remember that I kissed Connor, I felt guilty. My stomach turned at the thought of how Aaron would react. We weren't dating or anything but I still liked him, and he had feelings for me. When I arrive at the hotel Aaron immediately hugs me, I pull my face back and kiss him softly. "What the hell?" Vinnie said. He stands in the doorway staring at Aaron and I. I let go of Aaron and walk over to Vinnie. "I thought you liked me." Vinnie mumbled. I put my hand on his arm and stare into his eyes. "Y/n, do you like me or not?" he said. I stand looking at the floor. "If you don't that's fine. Just tell me the truth." he said. "Vinnie, I don't know if I have those type of feelings for you." I said. Vinnie nods his head pulling me into a hug, he smells my hair and pulls away. "Friends?" I ask. "Friends. Also we are leaving to LA tomorrow so I need to pack." he walks into the room. I look at Aaron who is sitting on the couch. "What did you need to talk to me about?" he asked.

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