010 josh's vlog

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A month later

I haven't seen Aaron and Vinnie in a month and I miss them like crazy. I get a call one day from Josh Richards at the sway house. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, um I heard you left NACH?" he said. "Yes, yes I did. Too much drama." I replied. "Well, my boy Coop was telling me about you, and he told me you were super chill and fun, also project x needs a girl in the house for content or whatever, I was wondering if you'd be interested?" he asked. "It's in LA right?" I said. "Yes, we will pay for your flight, your shipping, everything." he said. "Ok, can I think about it please?" I asked. "Yeah take as long as you need just let me know okay?" he said. I hung up and facetimed Aaron, he was sitting at the skate park.

A: Hey, what's up? He was out of breath from skating wiping the sweat away.

Y: Are you busy? I have news.

A: Tell me right now, wait is it good or bad news?

Y: Great news, but I need your opinion. Josh just invited me to live at Sway LA and I don't know what to do.

A: Y/n! Are you serious? That's so amazing! You should do it, I live like not even like 10 minutes away from them!

Y: Ok, so I have to tell them! I have to go, bye!

A: Bye, I love you! he hangs up.


"Bro did you just say you loved her?" Ben asked. "Not in that way she knows that." I punch his arm slightly. "That's why your blushing right now?" Troy said. "Am not! You guys get to meet her soon, she's moving into sway." I smile. "Ooh we get to see your little girlfriend." Ben said. "We are not dating, we don't want relationships right now." I shrugged. "You are practically dating, you facetime every night and day, you say I love you, you cuddle, she wears your jackets, you have like 20 of her scrunchies." Vinnie said. "Dead ass shut up. We are best friends." I said. "With benefits." he said. "What? No, we never even had sex. But there was this one time..." I look away. "What?" they all say. "It's nothing we just kissed." I picked my skateboard up and started skating away. After a couple hours of skating we go back to the house, I call y/n. "GUESS WHAT!!" she yells into the phone. "WHAT?" I yell back. "IM MOVING TO LA, INTO THE HOUSE AND I GET TO SEE YOU ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!" she screams. "Oh my god I'm so happy!! When are you coming?" I asked. "Literally tomorrow." she said. I get up and jump around, Vinnie walks in the room. "What the fuck are you doing?" he said. "Y/n's moving in tomorrow!!" I yelled still jumping, I look over hearing y/n laughing a lot. We talk while she packed and booked her ticket. "Josh told me to use this weird number for the card." she said. "Yeah that is the project x card." I said. "I'm gonna go to sleep now. I have to get up in like 5 hours." she said. "Ok, good night love." I wave goodbye and she blows a kiss hanging up. "Love?" Ben asked. I flip him off and go to bed.

Y/n POV:

I wake up to my alarm going off, I only got like 4 hours of sleep, fun right? Anyways I grab my suitcase and my carryon and go to my car. They would be shipping my car and the rest of my belongings to LA. I didn't tell anybody except for Aaron and the other guys that I was leaving, not even the girls at NACH. When I get on the plane I text Aaron.


Yo, I know your prolly not awake yet but I'm on the plane now.

I am awake and I will see you soon, are you landing at LAX


Ok call me when you get here. Is someone picking you up?

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