fifty nine

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renjun's dahye💖
• active now

lee dahye
hey yangyang

lee dahye
i know things have been hard
lately, esp with what happened
with our eunha... but we're always
here for you, okay?

lee dahye
we'll get this through. together.
all of us.

liu yangyang
thanks dahye💖

liu yangyang
don't worry, i'm fine... just a bit
disoriented since she's not here

liu yangyang
i'm not used to it

liu yangyang
and honestly i don't want to get
used to it

liu yangyang
it hurts like a bitch| sent

lee dahye
we all lost someone who's very
dear to us.

lee dahye
but remember how she always
said that she doesn't want to
see you sad?

lee dahye
try to cheer up and breathe, okay?

lee dahye
we're here for you!

liu yangyang
thank you so much dahye🥺❤️


shin eunseo
• active now

shin eunseo
hey i know we're not that close
and we just got a bit close w each
other because of the suprise you
had for eunha on your anniv

shin eunseo
but i hope you stay strong, yangyang!

liu yangyang
thank you, noona.

shin eunseo
how are you keeping up these days?

liu yangyang
still the same

liu yangyang
i still dream of her

liu yangyang
and it sucks

liu yangyang
because i can't even hug her anymore

liu yangyang
i can't tell her the dreams i have anymore

liu yangyang
because she's not here

shin eunseo
it will be fine, okay?

shin eunseo
just trust the process, yangyang.
i know that u know she's in a better
place now🤍

shin eunseo
anyways, as much as i want to
chat more with you, i have to go

liu yangyang
thank you so much for the time, noona.

liu yangyang
i do hope you're okay as well💕

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