Ch.12 Rabbits

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~Y/n pov~

I woke up with a start back on the step.


Subaru told me that after I had died Beatrice had saved me. He said she looked sad...

Sad she couldn't save me too?

My brother then told me he killed himself so we could both restart.

He also told me about the gospel Beatrice had.


Subaru and I went to go and see Roswaal.

We leant against the wall and it seemed Subaru was deep in thought.

"Subaru? Subaru, are you listening?" Otto called to him.

That seemed to break his concentration as he turned to look at Otto.

"Subaru, are you okay?" Otto asked concerned, then he turned to me, "You too, Y/n... you both seem off."

"Yeah, of course! I'm just great! Perfect, in fact!" Subaru lied.

"I'm fine. Thanks for the concern though, Otto." I smiled at him.

"Emilia is having a tough time. Is it wrong to find your calmness concerning?" Otto looked Subaru straight in the eyes.

Subaru looked surprised, "You think I'm too calm right now?"

"Maybe he's got a point.." I trailed off.

Otto nodded, "See."

"I'll be fine. Thanks Otto."


"It just proves I'm still rationally thinking about things, even after all that's happened." Subaru stated.

"But there's a difference between looking calm and thinking rationally." Otto sighed.

I got up from my position of leaning against the wall, "This is Roswaal we're talking about. We can't let him keep dodging the subject... not this time."

"Yo, got a sec?" Garfiel approached us, holding a lantern to light his way.

"Garfiel? You're not one to fall into patterns easily, huh?" Subaru commented.


"We've got something important to do." Subaru told him.

"Huh? You talkin' about your shady scheme with that bastard?" Garfiel scoffed.

"So, what'd you want?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Is it about the Sanctuary?"

Garfiel pointed a finger at Subaru, "What the hell else d'you think I'd wanna talk to you about?"

Otto reluctantly walked away after we agreed to talk to Roswaal tomorrow.

"This ain't the place. Follow me." Garfiel demanded.


"You're the one who wanted to talk to us, Ryuzu?" I asked.

We had arrived in a clearing in the forest.

Garfiel went to stand behind Ryuzu.

This doesn't look good. Is this a cliche when someone thinks you have bad intentions and tries to kill you?

It most definitely is but the audience don't know that. If you watched enough anime you could've guess some cliche like that would happen.

Did the fourth wall break? Nah I didn't hear anything.

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