Chapter Eight

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"How are you so good at this?" Remus asked, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms.

It was just past noon and Regulus had offered to play chess with Remus after both James and Sirius refused. He had hoped it would make him forget about the serum though it wasn't much use.

"I don't really know," Regulus started. "Mother and father made Sirius and I learn when we were younger."

"Wait, so you're telling me that Sirius has known how to play chess all along?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow. Sirius and James were sitting on the couch watching.

"He never said I was good at it," Sirius remarked.

"You're right," Regulus said on his turn. "Checkmate."

"Huh?" Remus sat up, furrowing his eyebrows as he studied the board.

"Damn," James said as he walked over to the boys. "No one ever beats Moony." He flashed a smile at Remus who only glared at him in return. Regulus was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. His heart sank deep to his stomach and his back stiffened as he heard Effie yell for James to let them in.

As he did so, a man entered. He had a dirty sort of blond hair. His eyes were uneven on his pale face. He was an odd sort of person in Regulus' opinion. James' mother came in to greet him.

"Alastor!" She smiled, hugging him shortly.

"Hello Effie." He said, his voice was raspy and harsh. Though he didn't seem to be very intimidating, it was quite obvious this man wasn't evil.

The man had introduced himself as Alastor Moody, that's as much as Regulus got before Effie shewed the boys upstairs so her and Moody could 'talk'. All four boys sat in silence in James' room, Regulus was staring at the wooden floor, his mind empty of thoughts, but there was that feeling in his stomach, it just grew deeper. James reached over, laying his hand on Regulus' knee, they turned for a few short seconds, watching each other. James pulled away as both boys felt Sirius' intense glare, as soon as they did Euphmia came into the room.

"Regulus," She began, "it's time love."

He stood up, as did the other boys. Regulus turned to tell them not to come, but Mrs. Potter did before he had the chance.

"Boys, you shouldn't come." She cautioned.

James furrowed his eyebrows in protest, "No." He said, "I'm coming with." Regulus stayed silent, he wasn't in the mood to argue with James.

"If anyone's going to come, I'm sure Sirius would be one, they are brothers." Euphmia said, Sirius looked up at her.

"I don't have to come Reg, if you'd rather it be James." Sirius reassured him.

"I don't really care." Regulus replied, his head lowered.

James turned to Sirius, he seemed to be begging him with no words. Sirius nodded.

They sat in the Potter's kitchen as they waited for Alastor to prepare the potion, as it was finished he gave it to Regulus motioning him to drink it. As Regulus did so, it felt like a fiery poison sliding through his throat, he cringed and sat the cup down with a thud. He looked to see four people studying him, James' father- Fleamont, Euphmia, Alastor and James. He tried to seem relaxed, leaning back in the creaky wooden chair. Moody took a seat in front of him as the three others stood behind.

"I'll start with easy ones," Moody put forth, folding his hands together. "What is your full name?"

"Regulus Arcturus Black." Regulus replied, it didn't feel any different than any other sentence normally did.

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