7. Rumors

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Closing the door behind me, I strode into my room. My legs barely able to keep myself in a standing position because of the ache that shot through them with each step.While slouching down upon my bed in the corner I hear a knock at my door.

I decide to ignore the sound and begun to climb under my sheets. The soft feeling allowing me to relax.

"Sayla you better open this door before I knock it down" I hear Saige's familiar voice, relieved that it was no one else.

"I would like to see you try" I shouted back slightly amused before removing the covers and making my way to unlock the door.

"Finally" Saige huffs while wiping her dusty hands on her pants. She strode into my room, her posture tiredly.

Turning now to face me she looks me up and down. "Well you look like shit."

"I could say the same for you"  I reply with a smirk creeping on to my face.

"Come on we both need a shower." Saige takes my arm and leads me out into the hall.

We strode down the hall which was buzzing with life unlike before, recruits making their way in and out of their rooms. The sound of laughter floating through the hall, the run seeming to be already off their minds.

The female washroom was down the hall to the left and the males to right. Saige opened the door before I followed her awkwardly inside. We both grabbed our towels on the racks mounted to the walls in the entrance. The room was full of steam and girls coming in and out of cubicles to wash themselves.

Saige looks back at me before pointing around the room. "Showers on the left, toilets on right and everything else you need are inside the cubicles."

I reply with a nod before going into the cubicle beside Saige. The rest of the girls seem to finishing up and soon me and Saige are left alone with the sound of the warm water hitting our skin.

The feeling easing me into a state of relaxation. Watching the dirt and grim washing off my skin funneling down the drain mixed with the white bubbles.

"Sooooo" Saige says from beside me. " I have to ask, is it true you were rescued from a group of kidnappers?"

"Something like that I guess" my voice echoing against the tiled floor and walls.

"Yeah there are rumors everywhere about you. One of the guys said you were some science experiment gone wrong" 

I didn't know how to answer. I did know there was something different about me and I could clearly remember the first day I was captured or maybe saved but I haven't been able to produce the power from that day since. Clearly the new recruits weren't informed about the event that day and I'm not planning on telling them. I don't need to draw anymore attention to myself.

"Now that's a good one." I say hoping I sound convincing.

Saige and I finish washing ourselves in silence as the steam slowly fills the room. Drying myself off with my towel I soon realize I didn't bring a change of clothes.

Awkwardly leaving the cubicle wrapped in my towel I look around to see Saige who was standing by the sink already fully clothed. My eyes catch hers and she notices my problem straight away.

"Your a genius" she laughs while rolling her eyes. "Wait here I will go and get your change of clothes."

I nod in reply before she quickly leaves the room. Making my way over to the sink, I stare at myself in the mirror. Memories from earlier on in the day come rushing back but one word burns my mind. "The Saintum army" why was it so familiar? Looking back down to my hands again I'm brought to another time.

I look at my blood stained hands and raise my head fixing my gaze on my opponent'. "Again" a loud voice echos around us.

We stare at each other before continuing our fight. She quickly lunges forward towards me and I use this to my advantage, sweeping my leg behind her and bringing her to the ground with a thud. My entire body aches and I can see the visible bruises along my arms and legs.

"Finish her" the harsh voice echos once again.

My opponents head suddenly jolts up her eyes widened with fear. "No please" she whispers in a voice that is barely audible.

I know I don't want to do this but what choice do I have. "Finish her or it will be both of you, we are warriors!"

I breath in the air around me and relax my fists. I look over to the man who has been shouting orders at me for the last hour. "Finish her" he coos softly while handing me a pistol.

I grab the gun. The cold metal burning my hands. It feels like a heavy weight as I aim it at my opponents head. Looking back over to my commander he gives me a nod signaling for the go ahead and with that I shoot. The bullet going straight through the back of her head as I stand above her, my gaze fixed on the bloody mess.

Her eyes loosing their light, draining any sign of life from her body.

"Well done 0014 your ready for the serum."

I blink furiously as my heart tries to break out of my rib cage. I grab onto the sink trying steady myself, tears prick at the corner of my eyes which I quickly brush away.

My mind races as memories come rushing back. My past becoming clear. My parents, my history and my power. I remember signing up to the army as a test subject when I was young.

My parents always struggled with money and when the Saintum army were offering unbelievable sums of money for test subjects and soldiers how could I pass the opportunity.

I signed up without a second thought. My mother a kind quite woman and my father a jolly man finally able to afford to put dinner on the table but at what cost?

I was sent away to never to see them again. Hundreds of tests, hundreds of tiresome hours spent training. Learning to fight, to kill and to control my power.

I was 1 of 20 participants we all went through the same training program and the 5 who survived received the serum. I killed my friends in that camp just to survive. We all did and in the end we were all just made into weapons. The five of us each powerful in our own way made into super humans to be at the Saintum army's disposal.

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