A cold morning

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They knew this was wrong but they couldn't stop it's as if they've both wanted this for a very long time, every meal they ate together, the late night talks while doing work, the accidental brush of the hands or knees, the touch of the waist while trying to get past, none of it was was a coincidence, they tried to embrace each other at every given moment. Rob wanted him, ever since he first saw him, it was an early autumn day and it was Jesse's first day, he had bought everyone coffee well not everyone. " here I got you a chamomile tea, I heard you like that" Jesse said as he grinned, was this a kind gesture or a subtle slutty sign to show that he wanted him too. But Rob soon backed away as he heard Jesse was married and his wife was expecting their third, Rob, back then, thought it was all for a good cause as Rob met the love of his dreams, or so he thought. All of theses feelings from the beginning came flowing back with a single kiss. Jesse put his hands around robs waist pulling him closer into his chest. Rob did the same he pulled Jesse by his belt pressing his body against his. All of their movements became slow and sensual. They started to nod off and fell asleep in each other's arms. That night it was as if they had gone away to an empty world with just them, that night it had stopped at a kiss.

They were awakened by angry middle aged men racing to get to their seats. They waited till the rush hour was over. Neither of them spoke. Jesse seemed different from the night before, he was straight faced and cold he didn't even acknowledge that Rob was there. "Was the guilt getting to him" thought Rob but Rob was indifferent, he was showing no signs of remorse for a guy who had spent a night with another man that wasn't his partner. Jesse got up and was about to leave when Rob  hugged him from behind resting his face on jesses shoulders. "I wanted you last night" Rob whispered, Jesse opened his mouth but he didn't say anything. Jesse opened the door and left. Rob was left alone with only the memory of a sweet night with him.

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