Wired Feelings?

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Zeke's POV-

Wakeing up this morining was the worst. First of all I had woke up late for work and I mean Late!. Second of all I dropped my tea and spilled it everywhere in my car and that was NOT good.

Anyways after that, I finally managed to get to work and start on some paperwork. I am top 5 best employees,  and I get payed about 1500 dollars am hour.

I grabbed some papers off my desk that were all done and put them away in the folders there supposed to go in. And opened my laptop And want to the ceo website, and did some online work and emailed some people about a few products and options.
Around 4pm it was finally my lunch break, I had about an hour n half. So i decided that I would take a break and go get some coffee just down the road not to far from here.

I got up from where I was and grabbed my wallet and jacket from the desks and coat rack and headed out the door to my car, as getting in i put the keys in and turned the car on.

I started drive down the road and to my sight I spotted a cute little small coffee shop called grandma's pot.

Hmm interesting. I thought while pulling into the drive away and parking my car.

I grabbed my keys  and wallet and got out of my car.
Liam's POV-
while putting in a customer's order, I gave it to maya so she could make the coffee and waited till she was done while doing small talk with the customer.

After a few minutes, the bell to the door dinged and another customer came in. But he wasent just a customer, he was a hot guy with very steel blue eyes that looked like they could kill you with one look.

I look at him as soon as that we had locked eyes for. a moment there, god I was right his eyes can kill you with one look.

I blushed and looked away just as i can see, i swear I could of saw a smirk on his face but I could be wrong.

Maya had finsihed up with the coffee and I grabbed it and handed it to the customer before saying farewell and she walked out the door, just in Time for the strange guy to come up to the counter and order.

Hello, what would you like to order today? I said while smileing. 

He looked at the sign and thought for a moment  before looking up at me.

Yes I would. He said while looking at me with a moral expression.

I swear to god my heart stopped right there, I got this weird butterfly's in my stomach, his voice was so deeply attractive.

I started getting wired feelings as soon as he started talking again.

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