It's a Fae, Fae, Fae World Part 2

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    I delete the video from Kenzi's phone while drinking my milkshake. I look up finding her looking at me. "Are you just gonna stare at me?" I ask.

     She puts her drink down. "Sorry," she sighs and looks at me, "by the way, um, I know things could've gotten really messed up for me last night if you hadn't shown up, so.... thanks."

    "Oh, um... you're welcome," I smile at her. She stares at me before cracking. "Okay,uh... screw it. I gotta know," she grabs a pen and starts writing on a napkin, "some things are too stupid to say out loud, so... here."

She gives me the napkin. I grab it and read it. 'I am an alien' with a check box next to it and 'I am a demon' also with a check box next to it. I laugh at it and put it down on the table.

"You're a tool, and I don't know what the hell I am, honestly. Just a freak I guess. Does it matter?" I ask her. "Kinda," she leans in close, "I mean, what exactly did you do to him?"

I sigh, "it's hard to explain, okay? I just- I sort of, um... I sort of drain people." She leans back, "oh,my god. Are you a- ," she stops as the waitress comes and grabs our plates then leaves. Kenzi leans forward lowering her voice, "dude, are you a freaking vampire?"

"No. No. No. It's.... It's just..... Its this.... hunger that builds and builds, and builds, and then eventually what I did last night," I try to explain my power I guess. "You can't control it?" She asks alarmed. I shake my head, "no."

"Wow. That's shitty," I just look at her, "no, I'm serious. That's like, no way to live. You should really work on that." I chuckle confused, "thanks. So look, are we done with this show and tell? Cause I gotta get going."

     The waitress walks over to our table. "Can I get you anything else?" She asks with her notepad out. "No, we're good," I tell her. She rips off the receipt and hands it to me. I grab the end of it and look up at her.

     "I'm-I'm a little short right now. If there's uh," I hold her hand softly watching my hand glow a little and it move to hers, "anyway I could come back some other time and make it up to you."

She bites her lip looking at me. "God," she chuckles flustered, "yes." I smile slightly at her before letting go and standing up. I grab my coat and move around the waitress and walk away to the door of the diner.

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold up, woman! What the hell was that!" Kenzi exclaims catching up with me. "No, I'm serious! What was that!" She asks.

Cersei POV:

Unfortunately I couldn't go with the guys. The Ash wanted to speak with me about the dead body. I lean against the door frame to the labs where Lauren and the Ash are examining the body.

"It's the cause of a succubus," I startle Lauren only and they both turn to me. I walk over and stand next to the Ash. "And it's not from me. My type is strictly woman, as you can see this poor bastard is a male," I smirk at Lauren but it feels wrong for some reason.

Ever since I smelled that scent it feels wrong looking at girls. Like I'm cheating on someone. The Ash nods his head to the door, I nod and follow him out.

    "I ordered Dyson and Hale to bring the woman responsible for this to me. I want to know who she holds allegiance to," he tells me leading me to the main room. I hum and nod.

     "You want an audience with her. I agree with you on that. After we find out her clan I will speak with them. Leaving a kill out in the open like that, is unacceptable. It puts everybody at risks and I can't have that," I tell him with authority in my voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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