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ANON REQUEST:  "hello! could i maybe request a sort-of follow up to ur toxic traits genshin post? maybe something where g/n reader breaks up with them and they're (genshin) miserable over it? would love to see!"


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You had told him right after Angel's Share had closed and the tavern was empty besides you two.

His first thought when you told him you wanted to end it was that it was a joke.

After a long conversation with him about it, the only emotion coursing through his veins was hot and burning rage.

You, breaking up with HIM? It's the biggest insult to him and his ego and pride had taken a swan dive off of the summit.

He tried his best to be reasonable and not get violent, but as soon as you had raised your voice he backhanded you right across the cheek.

After the breakup he had assumed you'd come crawling back. But you didn't.

Regrettably, he had threatened to blackmail you. Threatening to leak all your precious little secrets, however none of them were directly illegal. Just embarrassing, nothing that'll get you into much trouble.

Somehow he went from threats to straight up obsession, taking whatever remnants he could find of you. If you drank out of a certain cup at his tavern, he'd drink from it too. Diluc's obsessed with the idea of 'indirectly kissing' ever since the breakup.


"You're being delusional, (Y/N). You don't want to leave, you just feel pressured to." Diluc's voice was low.

You huffed, in awe almost, "Delusional? No. You don't know when to get off your high horse and I'm sick of it. I thought you might have a change in heart but you're too stubborn to see mistakes, especially in yourself."

You had tried your best to keep your voice level to a minimum, not wanting to yell at him. Diluc set his hands on to the counter, and after a brief moment of silence he slammed his fists on to the wooden surface making you jolt. You could hear the glass bottles around you almost begin to shatter at the sudden shake.

"You're being unreasonable!" Diluc started, "I've done so much for you just to leave me high and dry... Am I just some wallet to you (Y/N)?"

Your heart rate began to race, hoping to the bottom of your heart he wouldn't hurt you. Quickly, you stood up and walked towards the exit.

"No, I loved you. For a long time, but not enough to deal with your bullshit."


Plays it cool, thinking it's some kind of prank or something like that.

After a while, he starts to realize you're being serious and something inside him snaps.

"I was just kidding, princess! You know that right? I'd never do anything to deliberately hurt you, I'm not like that!"

He refuses to let you go, even after you've ended the relationship he still tells people you two are still dating.

"(Y/N)'s just throwing a little tantrum, nothing serious."


You stormed into Kaeya's office, slamming the door behind you. Kaeya was sitting on his desk, his left leg over his right skimming through a book that rested on his lap. His attention gliding over from the text to you, slowly.

"You're a real fucking riot you know that? I told you I was sick of your shit and now you're clinging on to me like a piece of gum on to the bottom of my shoe," you hissed, malice laced in your tone, "Stop playing like I'm the bad guy, grow a pair and move on."

Kaeya's cocky tone sounded like nails on a chalkboard to you, "Baby, you know you can't get rid of me just like that, right?" he demonstrated with a snap of his fingers. "It's cute watching you try though-"

"Keep this shit up and I'm quitting, the knights have opened up more than enough opportunities for me. I stayed here because a part of me wanted to hang on to you, even though our relationship has ended." You emphasized the last part.

A quick click of his tongue and his smirk faded.

"You know what I'm tired of? The miscommunication, I don't think you understood when I said you were mine."

A moment of silence before the clicking of his office door filled the walls.

"I'm not some toy you can choose when, and when you can't play with."

Another loud slam from you as you had shut the door on the way out, with hopes you'd never have to step into that horrid room ever again.


His work was precious to him, and you respected that as much as you could. 

You only had so much patience, and each of his projects were running it thinner by the day.

Not to mention how much time he spent with Sucrose alone, and whenever you brought it up to him or Sucrose herself the both of them seemed speechless.

When he came back to Mondstadt briefly to go over some plans with Sucrose, and you had got Jean to squeeze in some time to have a small conversation with Albedo himself.

"Darling," he said as he embraced you, his limbs seemingly tired, "I missed you so much, why are you here?"

After a careful explanation his face seemed unreadable, disbelief was all over his features. His eyes fell onto the floor while his throat swelled up.

You had to leave with a very heavy heart and an even heavier burden of guilt.

Albedo comes to your formerly shared home almost nightly, to grovel at your feet begging you to take him back. Spewing inaudible apologies.


"I'm so sorry," you shifted your body away, about to exit the knights' headquarters.

"Wait!" Albedo's voice echoed through the halls, stopping you in your tracks.

"Please don't go, I'll do anything but please don't go... I can't do any of this without you. I'll work less, I'll do anything for you, I promise-!" he tripped over his own feet, Sucrose rushing to his side.

"No! Don't leave me! You're all I have left-!" His cries were silenced at the quiet slam of the door closing.

Your figure disappearing from his view.

Your figure disappearing from his view

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