Beauty in darkness

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once they reached the forest the light suddenly went out and as they tried to turn back, Azreal said "so the legends are true" Alexander confused by this asked "what do you mean" and Azreal surprised said, "you mean you went here not knowing the possibility that we could never come back, even if we survived?!" everything went silent " wait... what?!" Alexander yelled "Shhhhh" Azreal seemed worried

They continued on their way through the forest until they were so tired they could barely stand, luckily they managed to find a small river flowing beautifully, the darkness retreated as they approached the beautiful river, the light as pale as the moon hit the river, as it shimmered the plants reached towards the light, the area seemed to light up, a heavenly garden surrounded by darkness.

They grabbed their bags and set up camp for the night, the light seemed to protect them and the trees seemed to hide them, as they began to fall asleep a soft humming came, beautiful singing, more beautiful than a siren.

they didn't have the strength to stay awake or even open their eyes, so they drearily drifted off to sleep, listening to the beautiful singing carrying them to sleep, then it went black, and before they knew it they were asleep.

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