A missing 16 year old

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The couple lead Killua and Alluka to the police station, and waited in the reception area while Killua and Alluka were interrogated. "This is dumb..." Killua muttered.

There was a man with black hair at the desk. He wore a trench coat. "Hello. My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, one of the detectives. I'll be interrogating you," the man said.

"So, for starters, what are your names?" Tsukauchi asked. Alluka was about to say something when Killua interrupted. "Why should we tell you?" he asked. Alluka smacked him. "Big brother! Be respectful!" she glared. Killua shrugged and put his arms behind his head, feet on the desk. Tsukauchi gave Killua a confused look. He smiled at Alluka. "So, what's your name?" he asked her. "Alluka Zoldyck!" she said happily. Tsukauchi turned to Killua. "And you?"

Killua scoffed. "Killua Zoldyck," he said, glaring at a wall. Tsukauchi looked surprised. "Alright. And what are your Quirks?" Tsukauchi asked. "Quirks? What are those?" Killua asked, his glare replaced with a look of curiosity. Tsukauchi stared blankly. "Mr. Zoldyck, are you feeling alright?" he asked. "Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" Killua asked. "Quirks. What are yours?" he asked again. "Listen, old man. I don't have time for this. Quirks don't exist and they never will," Killua snarled. Tsukauchi looked a bit surprised. "Mr. Zoldyck, please work with me here. I have a missing case I need to take care of," he said. Killua rolled his eyes.

The door opened, and a blond man who looked like a rotting corpse walked in. "May I take care of it?" he asked. Tsukauchi nodded.

"My name is Toshinori Yagi. Now, can you tell me what your Quirks are?" he asked. Killua opened his mouth but Alluka told him to stop. Killua sighed and closed his mouth.

"Before my brother kills you with words, (or literally) can you explain to us what Quirks are? We may have forgotten a little," she said. "I see," Toshinori looked surprised.

"Quirks are superhuman abilities that 80% of the world's population has. Quirks normally appear in a child when they're 4-5 years old, but some Quirks show up at birth. Quirks are divided up into 3 categories: Emitter, Mutant, and Transformation. Mutant Quirks can only be activated once. After the activation, the user has an extra limb or marking that stays there permanently. One example is invisibility. Transformation Quirks can be activated and the user's body adapts to the Quirk. One student in a hero school can harden his body. Emitter Quirks create projectiles and anything that doesn't affect the body. Manipulation is one example. The other 20% have no Quirk, making them easy targets for Villains. Because of Quirks, we have Hero schools so we can defend the public against Villains who look to kill or steal," Toshinori explained. A bit like Nen, Killua thought.

"Oh, I like to call mine Nanika! Nanika makes 3 requests but can only be refused twice. If it's refused three times the refused and they're closest friend or relative dies a painful death," Alluka said. Toshinori tensed up. "And you?" he turned to Killua. "I can create and store up electricity. Sometimes it can grant me extreme speeds," he explained. He lied on the part with speed. That was just from assassin training. But Mr. Yagi shouldn't know that.

"Incredible. Electricity is a common Quirk, but I've never known it to grant speed," Toshinori said. "Who are your parents?" he asked. "Mr. and Mrs. Zoldyck," Alluka said.

"Zoldyck? Like, the asssassins?"


Sorry I haven't updated in a good few months. I forgot this existed ha ha 😅

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