Chapter Three

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Void Tales : Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Sneaking back beneath the early night hadn't been a problem for Captain Black. Leaving the boy, passed out from a full day worth of walking at the feet of the great statue. Captain Black took his leave.

[Milo's point of view]

Daylight broke through a crack in the rusting walls. Basking the poor boy's face in the wrath of the three suns.

"Still sleeping, Ehhh Milo?" Kaitlyn spoke at the doorway to his room. Leaning against the wood that held the whole place together.

"Ughhh" He moaned. His eyes opening to take in the light.

"Finally awake. Three days since they found you"

"Found me?" Milo questioned hardly able to sit up. After three tries he sat at the beds edge. Gazing downward to the floor.

"Yeah Fang found you at the fountains edge. Said you were totally out of it"

"Wait. What about..." Milo started but realized this needed to be his secret. "Do they know how I got there??"

"They were hoping you could? Nobody seen you since Fang saw you. People thought you went out into the forests. But you were clean...." Kaitlyn dropped her eyes before asking her next question. "We were all worried about you Milo.... What happened?"

"Last thing I remembered... I left Fangs place and was walking down town."


"Just wanted to explore...."

"The crash was in the other direction...."


"Whatever Milo. I don't want to know then" Without a word she fled the house, pushing past Angel in the hallway.

"What's her problem?" Angel questioned leaning in the doorway. "Mom will be happy your awake. Guess her cops got some questions for you?"

"Great.." Milo huffed hardly able to stand. "Guess you didn't give her enough attention in my absence"

Milo spat nearly collapsing to the floor as he stood.

"Actually, she was right here next to you. Every day since you came back." Angle only let out a quick chuckle. "Need a hand brother?"

"Just let me be" Milo hissed. Pulling himself up by the bed post.

"Fine master. I'll be sure to tell our mom of your wake" Angle took off laughing.

"Fighting your brother as always?" Fangs voice carried in from the outside window. His grey snout pushed through, letting his eyes fall on Milo.

"He started it.." Milo shouted.

"Watch your tone boy. I come not to stop your quarrels." Fang tride to pull himself into the window. "I came to ask you a question.... I found you the other night."

"What's your question?" Milo felt uneasy, could he know....

"Did you seek him out?.... I smelled a scent on you I hadn't smelled in ages"

Fangs eyes focused on the boy, not totally trying to intimidate him. Just wanting answers.

"I don-

"Milo don't lie to me.... If he's back I need to know"

"Away from the boy sir" A robotic sounding scratchy voice called behind them.

"Your the seeker." Fang bowed his head a bit. "I'm a bit to old for knealing. Let me be the first to welcome you to our city"

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