Chapter Four

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Void Tails : Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Wind whipped by, Milo's eyes teared up from the rushing gusts. Clouds became nothing as he broke trough them. Not a sound except the rush.

He hadnt prepared for this, the blue and white colors all seemed to blend together. Falling, falling....

Still falling....


Crack.... Swish.... Mewhaaaa

As the board zipped to life in his paws. He gripped for dear life. Holding it to his chest, watching the clouds break away.

Magic.... Magnificent...


Zooming past the older and younger students, he was still strapped to the board. Hardly ready to even think of standing. Yet still many of them cheered.

Before he knew it, other fursons had joined him in the sky.

Zoar wasn't to far behind him, whizzing through the air like a jet. Standing of course, laughing her fur off.

"Well at least we know fraidy cats can fly"

"You take that back Zoar!" He hissed.

Zipping off behind her.

"Maybe I will if you can stand on your own two paws"

"I will" Milo shouted back, trying to stand up.

Before he knew it, a misstep and he was falling again. This time he knew this was the real deal. The board was gone, it was somewhere above him.

Thinking, he needed to think. Maybe he could catch the board. If he swung himself around, maybe he might catch it.

"Milo grab my hand" Zoar shouted. Milo watched her hand zip away, the grounds below getting ever so closer.

"This can't be it" He mouthed to himself, making out a few small barns in the farming districts.

"You need to stop risking your life" A gruff voice called out as he felt something grab the back of his shirt.

Until the world came to a crashing halt at a cliffside cave. Rolling into the cave wall Milo got dizzy, his fur matted with dust and debris.

"Who" Milo questioned trying to catch his bearings, before standing.

"Me. Saving you again boy" Captain Blacks voice seemed harsher then the other night.

"Thanks... Zoar nearly caught me." Then he relized he hadn't seen Zoar since he descended the clouds.

"Calm down boy. Zoars fine, she called in the rescue. Partly because if anyone passed the cloud cover i'd have been made" Captain black trudged across the cave, towards a large slab over two smaller boulders. A makeshift desk.

A light and map adorned it. Markings, names, circles and stars had been etched into it. Milo took a few steps forward leaning on the rocky desk. Taking in all the markings. None of it making any sense.

"Your looking for something??" Milo blurted out tracing a few of the lines with his nail.

"Not just something my boy. Someone and something." The large wolf furson growled. "I'm almost sure he'll be here in a day or so"


"Are you practicing to be an owl?" Black didn't even raise his head, just continued to read his map. "If so you might want to travel to the faxon galaxy, i hear their one planet has a large population"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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