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"Time to get up and at em Salvatore household!" Crystal yells as she struts down the hallway knocking on both Stefan and Megan's bedroom doors.

An annoyed and confused Megan opens the door with squinting eyes "Are you serious right now? It's 6:00 in the morning." Crystal grins back at the slightly shorter girl before handing her coffee and turning around to Stefan's room, who had yet to come out.
"It's a big day today and I think we should eat breakfast together before school" Crystal stated before banging on Stefan's door and yelling "Stefan freaking Salvatore. I need you to make breakfast because I can only cook dinner foods and Megan can only make desserts"

"Why do I have to cook exactly?"

Megan and Crystal turned sharply to where the voice appeared. Megan closed her eyes murmuring about how it was too early for these jump scares and turned to go back into her room as Crystal frowned walking towards the Vampire.

"If we're gonna be friends, we can't continue doing jump scares. It's not very becoming of you bunny eater. Now come go change clothes, you aren't cooking breakfast with the lost soul of thumper lingering around you"
The Salvatore stood confused as Zach walked upstairs passing the girl who had woken him up minutes before looking at his uncle shrugging

"Megan said not to question it"


"Okay, so can we have the keys to Zach's car?" Crystal asked as she walked backward in front of Stefan and Megan.

"Actually yeah, can we? You have a built-in form of transportation and we do not." Megan added as Stefan rolled his eyes "Didn't you say last time you too almost hit a squirrel?". With widened eyes, Megan pointed an accusing finger at Crystal and said "What! No, I said 'SHE almost hit a squirrel' not 'WE'"

When the finger landed on Crystal she turned away and glanced off "First of all, snitches get stitches, Ms. Sorrento. FACT. Secondly, The squirrel wanted to die because he saw Stefan in the woods earlier that week and was looking for a different route out of the world. Also Fact. Lastly, I refused to stand here and be scolded by America's most sassy duo. So with that, I bid you goodbye. "
The curly-headed girl walked off greeting Bonnie and Elena as she passed them.

"Good Morning Elena. Good Morning Bonnie." Stefan greets as Megan waves at the two girls sipping her coffee, making eye contact with Bonnie.

"Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later. Megan, come with me?" The Bennett witch turned to walk away looking at the young sophomore who glanced up from her cup "I was gonna go take a nap in class before the bell rang actually-"
Bonnie cut Megan off and grabbed her arm "Perfect. We'll go together"

Elena frowned and tried to stop her friend "Bonnie wait"
"She doesn't like me very much"

"She doesn't know you. She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. But when she does, she will love you." Elena tried to reason before an idea came to mind "Here's what we're going to do. Are you free tonight?

Stefan tilted his head answering "Yes" causing Elena to smile "Perfect. Dinner, my house. 8:00. You, me, Bonnie, Megan, and Crystal. You two will spend some quality time, I can get to know Megan and Crystal better because you three seem close and Bonnie will get to see what a great guy you are. Mission accomplished. Everyone's happy."

Stefan smiled "You want to get to know Megan and Crystal? That'd be great but I do wanna warn you, Crystal has a lot of energy and Megan always seems to match it in a semi less...chaotic form"

"You three seem close and I wanna get to know more about you. If you like them I know I'll love them" Elena grinned up at Stefan before the boy turned around sharply to catch a ball speeding towards his head holding it up at the two guys who threw it with a smile and throwing it back leaving Elena, Matt and Tyler shocked

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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