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"Thank god summer is here!!" Crystal screamed at the top of her lungs as she and Megan sat in the car driving home.
"Honestly. No more teachers or pointless homework." Megan nods as she drove with Why don't we music playing in the background as the two girls sang along happily one screaming horribly and the other grinning at tone death friend.

"I think it's about to rain" Megan says thinking aloud as Crystal looked out the window before noticing the unfamiliar road.
"Hey um we don't usually go down this road or have I just never paid attention on the way home" the curly headed girl questioned looking at her friend

Megan finally looked back to the road and realized that this was a complete different road "no your right. I don't ever drive down this street...whatever street this is. Can you pull up gps?"
"Already on it. bro everything about this screams horror movie." Crystal frowns as she types away at her phone when a bird flew into the windshield of the car causing Megan to swerve the car to a stop

"What. The. Hell...Are you okay? I think something weird is going on." Megan looks at Crystal with wide eyes
"I'm good but I totally agree. I mean my phones not getting any service so I can pull up the gps. I knew I should've stayed at home today." Crystal pouted

Megan rolled her eyes as she put the car into reverse to back out of this curb "you know couldn't miss any more days this school year"
"Yea but it wouldn't have done me any harm" crystal shrugs

"Wow this rain is really picking up" Crystal points out before Megan calls her to turn around looking out the back window
"I know I haven't much coffee today but I'm kinda sure that that's a hurricane"
Crystal turns around before she shakes her head saying "Time to go, put it in drive!"

Megan floors the gas as she shifts the gear to drive when the lighting strikes in the sky, the car zooming past 100 mph when Crystal points out a figure in the road

"Megan watch out!!" Crystal screams as Megan swerves the car screaming herself to avoid the figure when it all goes dark.

"Megan watch out!!" Crystal screams as Megan swerves the car screaming herself to avoid the figure  when it all goes dark

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