My Thane

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"Dragonborn?" Viola repeated at the woman who stood in front of her, staring with a shocked, and wondrous face. "You think that I am dragonborn?"

The woman nodded, but the man next to her now came forward to speak. "You must be. All the things I heard describe something of that sort." he was referencing what had happened with the glowing and the thing that she felt rush through her. "But, you don't exactly fit the perfect dragonborn picture." He was right. Although Viola had never been a very studious student, her sister was the opposite. Frea's favorite legend was one of the dragonborn, who could speak words in the ancient tongue of dragons. The stories all tell that you must be of nordic descent. She was bosmer.

"There is a possibility, I am not of pure blood." She said. Her ancestry shows that of a nord grandfather, on her mother's side. If this were to be true, if it was not all just a form of magic that the dragon had casted before it had died, the blood would have come from that side, and by chance, she got it.

"I believe that if it is a possibility, you carry the blood. Do you think you can, shout? I'm not sure how to do it, but could you?" The woman spoke again wIth a hopeful look on her face. Viola nodded and closed her eyes. She concentrated hard, there was something there, that she couldn't quite explain. In her stomach, the sensation that she had when the dragon had first fallen, was back. More condensed, more powerful. It filled her body, and at the right time, she opened her eyes and mouth. Sound poured out, and She could not describe what it was, just noise. But it echoed. The grass on the ground shifted, in a wind like manor. A small tree swayed in the distance, just close enough to see the biggest branches move. The noise tired her. Breath was short, and her eyelids felt heavy in a different way than that of sleeplessness.

She turned to the hunters, to find them staring. As she looked, they knelt down and bowed their heads. "Dovahkiin." They whispered in unison. Viola recognized the word, it was what Frea used instead of the typical term. It was in the language of dragons. She laughed a bit, not out of disrespect for the situation, but no one had ever bowed to her before. She was not typically known as a nobility, even in her home. She smiled at them as they rose up.

"There will be a need to tell the jarl of the dragon attack, and the coming of a new hero. We can travel to whiterun and inform him, we were about done hunting for the day anyway." The woman said. Her partner was just as eager as her to help, which was not some thing Viola had ever expected from the nords, they typically did not take to her kind very well, and although she would be glad to go back and tell news of the attack, if they were willing to do the favor, she would gratefully accept. She nodded sheepishly, for she was exhausted. It was not time for her to go back quite yet, she had a promise to Ysolda to grant her with a mammoth tusk, and this was no time to start to break her promises, hero or not.

The hunters turned away, and started sprinting to the outline of the city. Viola turned to see if there was any mammoths, dead or alive, left at the camp after the attack. She scaled the area quickly, making sure there were no giants near by in the lowlands, and when she saw none, she made her way down to the camp, bow in hand.

Somehow, when she looked behind a small hill, luck hit. There was a dead mammoth laying on the ground, fresh looking, and both tusks fully in tact. Viola smiled, and ran down to the animal, pulling out one of her axes. she started cutting near to the base of the trunk. It was hard, but he axe was sharp enough to cut through in less than five minutes. Once it dropped, she pulled out a leather carrying device that she had made earlier that week for wood carrying. It had a piece of rope in a handle for her to drag the tusk over the whiterun hills, and places to tie the logs down, which she now used to hold the tusk in place.

It was heavier than she had originally thought it would be, and it took her nearly two hours to drag it up to the city gates. A guard stopped her at the entrance.

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