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Their hands were bound at the wrist, well bound at that, for nothing they did would untie the knots. Viola and Erik were both standing up now, and walking around their small area, looking for a fault in the cage. It seemed to be about a 10 by 10 foot area, and the bottom was dug into the ground. They most likely could not lift it, or dig under. Though the leader seemed to want to get guards right away, it had been nearly five minutes and no one had shown up.

"So, what do you think these guys are?" Lydia asked from the ground. She had not gotten up yet, and didn't look like she wished to.

"Vampires. They have to be, Too... smooth to be werewolves and they hunt at night. Or capture, because we're not dead yet." Viola said. She was looking around the cave they were stuck in. It seemed like a dug out, not natural. No doubt the lair was huge, but this area was strange.

"Well, I'd rather deal with them than werewolves anyway. Less hair." Said Erik. He was now leaning against the wall of the cage, and seemed to have given up, for a bit at least, on finding a fault in the cage. "They seem smarter than the common bandit. They can capture prey and not end up dead."

"And they can keep us here." Viola stood still. There were no faults, it was clear. She would need to find something else. "They are smart, but most have servants. Much less intelligent, and will probably be sent to guard us. But we won't get anywhere with our hands behind our back, watch this." She loosened her shoulders. Their captors knew how to tie a good knot, but not how to roll the shoulder bones back so they locked. She bent her back so that her hands barely scraped the ground, and places her head on the side of the cage for balance. With that, she bent one knee through the oval her hands made, and then the next. When she straightened, her arms were in the front and much more useable. Erik looked astonished at this.

"How did you... You don't expect me to be able to do that, do you? I don't bend." Said Lydia, as usual, sounding unimpressed, but her eyes said otherwise.

"Oh please, this was easy. Usually my feet are tied too." Viola added smugly. Lydia rolled her eyes and Erik blushed a bit. "No, I think I can cut us out, but we have to be discreet about it. There is no way to get out of the cage alone, the guards are going to have to assist us some." She really didn't have a plan, but was fairly good at acting like she did.

"Viola, I didn't find anything sharp enough to cut the rope on." Erik said and started to look around again.

"That's alright, I've got something." She always had a paper thin blade in a sheath around her upper thigh. It was made by her father's apprentice back in Valenwood, after she returned with her new family. Maybe a peace offering, or a way to say sorry, though the elf had nothing to apologize for. It was beautiful, and the halter fit skin tight so it was not easy to see, especially under the baggy clothes she had worn to bed that night. She reached her bound hands down the side of her thigh and grabbed the handle of the blade. "Here, I'll cut you out first." She said and went over to Erik, sawing at the knotted area. It cut quickly. He then rubbed his wrists, and took the dagger from her. In a bit, both Viola and Lydia had their hands unbound too. They put the broken ropes into a hole in the ground, and covered them up. Viola put the knife away again.

"Alright, what's your plan?" Erik asked after they were all freed and had done their share of wrist-wiggling.

"Well, I guess we hope it's not vampires coming to guard us. I don't think it will be, and that would make it a hell of alot easier on us."Nobody came into the cave for quite some time. Maybe an hour later, footsteps became clear, and they could hear voices echoing along the tunnel wall.

"So she's not back yet? I'm getting worried." Said a man.

"She can handle herself, also she'll want to see who the scouts have brought home. I want to see too, sounds interesting from what I've heard." A woman countered. The voices grew closer as they talked about the leader of this cult. Lydia smirked at Viola in the corner of her eye as they rounded the corner. It was a mixture, the man was a thrall and the woman looked to be a vampire.The two walked over to the cage, looking very smug that they were on the outside of the door.

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