Chapter 1

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In The Save Screen

Sitting still was cramping up his bones, Shifting from leg to leg, Trying to undo his tiring body. Energy sapping from the little sleep he had, Sighing- He lays down on his back and rests his skull upon his arms, Breathing being heard throughout the seemingly never-ending darkness. Replaying the once cheerful memories he once had weren't in a happy light, The only thing to do was weep away and sit in the remaining world once his own.

"Is it more cramped here or am I crazy?" Stretching out his bones again, Waking his body as it was starting to sleep "I swear I could see farther over there... Meh" Shrugging off his worries, Looking around and flicking some grass, He pulls out a piece and rips it to shreds. 'I really shouldn't tear this up... I can't exactly replant it' tossing the shreds away he lays down again, Itching at his bones, Yawning he refuses to sleep, He'd just have another nightmare, Unfortunately for him he doses off...

In The Star Sanses Base

"Ughh... Dream..! Why do we have to throw out all these papers? Can't we just burn them?" Ink groaned, Slipping papers into the garbage bags "No Ink, It's our responsibility to clean the meeting room this week! I can't have you bailing on me again" Dream huffed as he carried the remaining stack towards the table "You should exercise more, I bet even a baby could carry that"

 "Yeah? Well, how about you carry this then? If you wouldn't mind"  Dream pushed the huge stack towards Ink, Ink gulped and nervously glanced away "I don't want to" Ink pushed his nose high, Turning a shoulder towards the stack "Don't compare if you can't handle the dare" Dream winked playfully, "What the- What?"

 "I was trying to make a joke" Dream stared at Ink with a blank stare. "Okay.." Ink put's more papers into the bag, Having put the last of his paper stack into the bag he smiles "Yeah don't even think about it, Come help with this stack" Ink sighs letting his smile fade "Party pooper.." Grumpy Ink helps Dream out.

Back to The Save Screen

"AA-" Bolting up, He breathes fast and loudly, Regaining his breath. He falters, Staggering his body he pulls his hand up to wipe away the sweat dripping from his forehead, 'Why do I... still get shaken up by that nightmare?..' Lying down and heavily breathing won't relax him, Nightmares are his only world to enter upon sleeping.

'God, Shouldn't that nightmare be old by now?. Why does it still hurt seeing them like that..?' Pulling himself up into a sitting position he stays silent for a while. Eyes watering and tears threatening to fall, He blinks and glances at his body "...Stop it. Go away." He wipes the tears that were about to fall down his face.

Back to The Star Sanses Base

"Help us out a little, Guys! Please!" Ink whined as he carried bags past people "Ignore him, He just needs to stop being a baby" Dream follows after Ink, Carrying bags, Telling people to not help them and that they needed to do this themselves.

After taking all the bags and throwing them out they went to the break room.

"I don't get it, Why didn't any of them help us? I asked nicely!" 

"One, You didn't ask nicely you whined and pleaded, Two, You can't ask them to help! We had to do it ourselves" Dream poured a glass of juice and put the juice carton back into the break room fridge. "We already did the stacks of paper, Why couldn't they have helped us... I don't know? Carry the bags?!" Ink raised his voice, Irritation dripping from it like venom. "Ink don't be historical. It wasn't even a big deal, I told them not to help us"

"What why?! We could've had a few hands helping us! That's not a big deal!" 

"Well if that's not a "big deal" then why'd you need the extra hands when we have four of them ourselves?" Dream waved his hands off like a showcase, Ink stared at them "... Dream I beg you, Why must you be such an annoyance?" The conversation went on for a few more minutes before they decided to change the subject.


I'm not sure what else to write about in this chapter so let's leave it here.
Hope you enjoyed reading the rewritten first chapter.

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