I thought it was Suna

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On call
"I'm soooo excited omg, its been almost a year.. ahhhh"
"Finally the wait is over" kenma matched my energy
"So the camp it at shinzen high, right?"
"Yes because it is somewhat cooler there" kenma replied
"Okay kenny,  i got to go, have to do some preps for tomorrow"
"Aight, same, take care, see you soon"
"You tooo"

Yes, it was time for one week camp in Tokyo, where all the renowned teams are going to come together and practice play. It takes three hours from Hyogo to reach Tokyo and the coaches decided to travel early in the morning around 5 am. And I'm responsible for the breakfast/snacks for the team and I simply decided to make some onigiris for all. And I've asked the boys to help me with that and they'll be coming any minute now.

Until then i decided to do last minute checks cause the boys are going to come with all their stuff and we will head to school together as we decided on spending the night together. I hear the doorbell
"Heeeeeey dadddddd, will you get it for me?" I yelled to which a faint "On it princess" was replied

"Good evening l/n-san" i could here their voices in distant
"Welcome home boys" i hear my dad say which just made me smile.

I came downstairs to see the boys wandering around like lost puppies
"Hey y'all, what are you looking for?" I asked them
"You" they replied in unison
"Well here I'm and lets get started with the onigiris"
"Yes ma'am" again in unison

I decided to keep three types of onigiris, salmon & mayonnaise , tsuna mayo and Okaka (bonito flakes with soy sauce). The rice batches were cooked, the sea weeds were cut and the fillings were also ready. Osamu, Me and Suna were making the onigiris and atsumu was wrapping the sea weeds and packing them in a pack of three for each player and coach.

*camera flash*
"What the- dad!!!" I exclaimed
"What? Look how cute you all are, helping each other and having fun" he said
"Uh... whateverrrr"
"Ah" atsumu screamed
"What happened ?" I asked and walked toward atsumu only to see his finger bleeding and the other two were just laughing
"How did you even manage to cut yourself, tsumu?" I asked disappointed
"I was cutting more sea weed and it just happened" i took his injured hand
"You could've asked me, you dummy, go to room, there's first aid there, I'll come up with some ice to stop the bleeding" i said and he obliged
"Can you two stop now?" I turned towards suna and osamu and they stopped.

I took some ice and a towel and went upstairs in my room to find atsumu just sitting there staring at the floor.

"You okay sweetie?"
"Umhm" he replied and started applying ice on the cut to stop the bleeding
"Soo.. what is it?" I asked
"It's nothing"
"You don't look like nothing" i cleaned the blood and applied the antiseptic to it
"Let me guess.. nervous?" I continued
"A bit"
"Wanna share?"
"Umhm... so the thing is, i know i have hella pride and because of this, people get the wrong impression of me and I don't want that to happen during this camp"
"Heyyy... just be you and you'd be alright, keep some faith in yourself tsumu" i said while covering the cut with bandaid
"Thanks n/nie" atsumu said and pulled me into a deep hug and i just patted his back and played with his hair a bit

The door opened and atsumu immediately released me from his grip
"What's taking you guys soo long?" Said osamu and i could see suna standing next to him with the corner of my eye
"Were you guys making out?" Said osamu
"Shut yer trap, you asshole" yelled atsumu
"Lets get down, we still need to make few more onigiris" i said and walked outside the bedroom

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