Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

<Gavin Forrester>

I figure they took Victoria to the emergency room so that's the first place I look when I enter the hospital. I press the elevator button and the step in when it arrives. I press the button for the emergency floor and wait for what feels like forever for the doors to open.

When they finally do open, I rush out into a crowded floor with paramedics and nurses rushing around trying to save the dying people of New York City. I dodge a couple of gurneys and employees, reaching the check in desk within a few seconds.

"How may I help you?" A tired looking nurse with gray hair gives me a wide smile as I try to formulate a sentence.

I guess the reality of the night had never fully hit me until now. The rushing around after Victoria's accident and the anger of what Talon had done distracted me and now that it was all over, I could finally allow my brain to think about what had happened.

"Sir?" The nurse taps my shoulder and I look up, giving her a tired half-smile.

"I need to see Victoria Grayson...She came in with multiple stab wounds." I say quickly as the lady types her name in on the computer.

"She's still in surgery and won't be accepting visitors until tomorrow morning around 8." The lady gives me a pitying glance.

"Do you know what floor she'll be on after her surgery?" I ask politely.

"Trauma 1, I believe. It's one floor above this." The lady says in a kind voice. "Sir, what's your connection to Ms. Grayson? I mean she's a high-profile case at this hospital so we must know who wishes to visit her."

"She's a friend of mine...I'm the one that saved her from the attack." I smile at the woman. "Just tell me when she's up."

I walk over to the waiting area and take a seat on one of the oddly colored couches that seem to be in all hospitals.


I wake up to someone tapping me on the shoulder. I rub my eyes and open them, coming face to face with the nurse from last night.

"Her visitation hours just opened up. You should get up there within the next few minutes because her parents and the policemen are coming around 8:30 to check up on her and get her side of the story." The nurse gives me a smile before walking back to her post at the check-in desk.

I walk over to her and sign my name in on the clipboard. She hands me a visitors' sticker and points me towards the elevator.

"Trauma 1, room 212." I nod slowly and walk towards the elevator.

"Thank you," I smile and wave to her as the elevator doors close.

I press the button for the Trauma 1 floor and whistle as I wait for the doors to open again.

When they do open, I find myself on an almost deserted floor which is a big change from the crowded emergency room downstairs. I walk slowly down the hallway where the room numbers start at 200. I look at every plaque until the one for room 212 comes into view.

I'm about to open the door when the knob turns. I flatten myself up against the wall and watch as Carter comes slowly out of the room. I want to slap him so badly because he's just as much involved in this as Talon is. I just know Carter has something to do with Victoria's attack last night, however, I'm not exactly sure what. Then he turns his face and I see the stiches along his forehead.

"Good to see you again, Gavin. How's the gash on your shoulder?" Carter asks innocently.

Before I know what I'm doing, I have Carter by the shirt collar and am pinning him up against the wall. I hold him there, completely defenseless and completely shocked.

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