chapter 2

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When they came to, they found themself in the medical wing of the Avengers tower. They shot up into a sitting position. But they soon regretted it as they felt - not only a splitting headache but - a burning sensation in their legs, abdomen and back. They let out a loud hissing noise and a groan, gripping the bandages around their stomach.

"Oh, good. You're awake." Steve said as he noticed the girl was awake.

"How long was I out?" Elixir asked, resting their back against the wall.

"Well, you woke up a few times but you probably don't remember. So about a week." The blonde responded from his spot next to their bed.

"Anything happen while I was gone?"

"Yeah, a lot actually. We recruited a few new team members, fought a robot that wanted to take over the world and... During the battle.. Clint died." Steve muttered the last part.

Elixir's heart shattered. "You're joking.. Right?" They asked quickly. Desperately they tried to convince themself that he was just playing some sick, twisted joke on them. But they knew better.

Steve looked at the split haired girl with a solemn expression . Elixir felt tears rush to their eyes.

"Oh.." They muttered quietly.

"I'm sorry for dropping this on you so soon but I just.. Didn't want you to find out from someone else." Steve stated.

"No yeah, I-.. I get it, it's just a lot to take in.. Y'know?"

"Do you need anything? Tissues? Water?" Steve asked quickly, desperately wanting to be there for the young girl.

"Uh- right now I think I just need to be alone.."

"Alright. Just- don't rip your stitches and try to take it easy, alright?" He stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Elixir curled up and began to sob. Clint had been like a father figure to them so hearing that he was dead.. It just hurt so much. They sobbed for what felt like hours, until they had given themself a headache and passed out.

Aha, I meant to post this sooner but I'm lazy and forgot what the hell I was doing haha welp, I hope you enjoy either way, I just rewrote this chapter because my character didn't have the reactions I wanted so uh if it's shit, that's probably why. I also am writing another story maybe, it's a soulmate AU for Supernatural so, that might be comin' soon, we'll see. Anywhores, this is your lovely creator, I'll catch you guys later. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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