In our next life

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"My king, have I ever done it right?? Have you ever been proud of me??"

That is what he said even he is in a blink of death. He always thinks of him, as a friend, as a family, as a king and as a lover. He always thinks of him, every day and every night, he loved every moment with him up until now.

"Yes, you are a lover that I can be proud of in my whole life. You are a praise worthy person, in my eyes, in your family's eyes, in your friend's eyes, in the empire's eyes. You've done so much to us, especially for me. You even sacrificed your life for me."

He suddenly chuckled. "You're too sweet, my king. I appreciate your sugar coated words, it makes me better. I sacrificed myself for you because they need you, my king. Take care of my family, especially my sister. She's been so uncontrollable lately."

Caressing his lover's face that has been resting for a while ago. "Please, don't talk anymore. Save your strength. I'll get you a mage or a doctor to save you. Don't leave me."

They stared at each other, admiring the face of their loved ones.

The king suddenly wondered why fate has to decide what will happen to them. Why can't they make their own fate and control it. Living with the ones you loved was experienced once a lifetime, but why does fate want to reclaim him and take him away from me. He is my only happiness, so why??

It doesn't make sense.

He went back in reality when his lover cupped his face. "My king, what are you thinking so deeply?? You've been spacing out in quite a while."

"I was thinking about you. I was thinking about why would this happened. Why can't I be happy and live forever with you?. " Tears slowly began to trickle down in his eyes. Not knowing what to do with his lover slowly dying in front of him.

"Please don't cry, you're making me sad. It's okay, everything's gonna be okay. I assure you that, my king." He pulled his head to kiss him. To assure him that everything is gonna be okay, to assure him that he is always there for him.

"Don't leave me please. Don't. I love you. I love you. I don't want you to leave me." The king hysterically cried, because he knew that he will leave.

"I'm sorry, my king. I'm really sorry, we never wanted this. But this is fate. I swear that we will see and love each other in our next life. Look forward to it. I want you to be happy even when I'm not here. I want you to live for me." He smiled as he said those words.

The king hugged him tightly, not letting him go. He doesn't want him to leave but they can't stop fate.

"I'm...sorry, but I I'll be waiting...for"

'My king, this is Yuuri Katsuki. He is my son. He will be taking care of you from now on as your personal knight. Please take care of him too.' The commander of the knights, Toshiya Katsuki said.

'Uh... Nice to meet you.. I am Yuuri Katsuki.. I will be in your care from now on' He bowed looking so nervous.

'Nice to meet you too, my knight, I am Emperor Viktor as you know and I am looking forward for the next days with you. I hope you enjoy your stay here with me.' I chuckled when he blushed when I called him my knight. Now, I think that I am going to have fun with him here.

The next day...

'Good morning, your highness. May you have a blessed day.' That is what I heard first thing in the morning after I finished my preparations.

'Good morning to you too, Yuuri. Did you guard there since last night?? Didn't you get tired from standing all night?? Why don't you go to the knight's quarters first?' I replied with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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